Svetovni dan knjige / World Book and Copyright Day

Ste vedeli, da je 23. april UNESCO določil za svetovni dan knjige, ker so na ta dan leta 1616 umrli Cervantes, Shakespeare in Inca Garcilaso de la Vega? Poleg tega so se an ta dan rodili ali umrli še nekateri drugi ustvarjalci, kot so Maurice Druon, Haldor K.Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla in Manuel Mejía Vallejo. Neverjetno, kaj ne? Če imate na današnji dan rojstni dan, spustite tistega malega umetnika v sebi na dan, kajti zvezde so mu še kako naklonjene :o)
Did you know 23 April is a symbolic date for world literature for on this date in 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. It is also the date of birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, Haldor K.Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and Manuel Mejía Vallejo.

Zjutraj sem dokončala mamičino torbo za literarne nastope. Obljubljam ji jo že kar nekaj časa, sedaj pa je bil čas, da obljubo izpolnim. Sešila sem jo iz srajce, ki jo je moja dobra prijateljica K izločila svojemu možu iz omare. Hvala, ker si jo shranila zame, brago je enkratno in močno. Menim, da se bo srajca v podobi torbe prav dobro počutila :o) Kot lahko vidite sem torbo naredila iz hrbtnega dela srajce, iz sprednjega pa bosta nastali še dve torbici in to z žepi :o)
Before we went to Ljubljana I had to finish a bag for my mum's literary appearance. I sew it from an old shirt that my friend had gave me. The fabric is strong and perfect for a bag. As you can see, I used a back of the shirt. I'll make two more bags from front parts. And they'll have pockets :o)Po nastopu v DSP smo odšle v park Zvezda, kjer so bile postavljene stojnice s knjigami, sredi njih pa je kraljeval oder. Gospodična G je uživala v lutkovni predstavi Kužek in muca, gospodična N pa je spala v vozičku.
After her appearance in Slovenian Writers Association we went to bookstalls in park Zvezda. On the stage in the middle of bookstalls was a lovely puppet performance I had a dog and a cat by Karel Čapek and miss G really enjoyed it. Miss N was sleeping.
Sledil je obvezen sprehod po Ljubljanskih ulicah do tržnice.
After buying few books we took a walk around old city centre to colourful market. Best part of it is flower market.


Oseba Amy sporoča …
Oh my! That last photo is so beautiful! To have flowers like that in a vase on my table would be bliss!
Love the tote bag...was the bunny already on the shirt or did you put him there? either way I love it!
Oseba Anja sporoča …
I put him there. It was my mums request to have a bunny on the bag. I think he turn out just fine.
Oseba Jen Glover sporoča …
Beautiful! The flowers, pictures and that bunny!!!!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
How amazingly clever you are to make a bag from a shirt! Super cool!!!

The flower photos are just stunning. Your blog is just full of beauty and interesting things to see.
Oseba Mel @ Skye Rocket Sews sporoča …
That's a very special day for me too,it's my first baby's birthday!
Lovely runnuculus photo,I love them!
Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
That is the CUTEST Bunny I've ever seen ~ and I KNOW Bunnies!! You're so talented and really inspire me to create.

Those Flowers are Gorgeous!!! Your pictures are always so vibrant and colorful!! What a Joy it is to visit your Blog!!

Bunny Blessings ~

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Torba z Zajcem za knjigo Zajec Emil.