Bonbonček, a ne moj / A Giveaway
Se mi zdi, da je zopet čas, da vas malo spomnim na bonbončkasto stran imenovano Grosgrain. Poleg treh ljubkih kosov oblačil se lahko potegujete tudi za bon v neverjetno simpatično trgovinici z nostalgičnim imenom KamenPapirŠkarje - RockPaperScissors
Oh, kako bi bilo fino, če bi se lahko ponašala s takim žigom...
It's time for a short reminder that sweet lady at Grosgrain is still generous as ever and she is having some stuff to giveaway.
Wouldn't it be great to have a stamp like this to stamp all your letters with???
Oh, kako bi bilo fino, če bi se lahko ponašala s takim žigom...
It's time for a short reminder that sweet lady at Grosgrain is still generous as ever and she is having some stuff to giveaway.
Wouldn't it be great to have a stamp like this to stamp all your letters with???
lp m.