Kreativ Blogger Award

Jeannine from Fireflies and Jellybeans gave me this award. Thank you, I'm really honored.
1. Zahvali se osebi, ki ti je dala nagrado.
2. Kopiraj logo nagrade in ga objavi.
3. Naredi link do osebe, ki te je nagradila.
4. Napiši 7 reči o sebi.
5. Nagradi 7 kreativnih ljudi.
6. Naredi linke do nagrajenih blogov.
7. nagrajence obvesti o nagradi.
The Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
7 reči o meni, ki jih morda niste vedeli...
1. Imam zvezek v katerega pišem naslove knjig, ki jih moram še prebrati. Ko grem v knjižnico ga ponavadi pozabim doma...
2. Ne maram čebule in česna.
3. Enkrat na teden mi uspe skuhati užitno kosilo.
4. Rada imam zborovsko glasbo. Eden najboljših koncertov na katerem sem bila je bil Adiemus - Carmina Slovenica.
5. Sem pravi hrček kar se tiče hranjenja najrazličnejšega materiala (naplavljen les, kamni, prazne pločevinke kave, steklenice, ...) Moja delovna soba ej tudi najbolj razmetan prostor v hiši... ne nisem ponosna na to, pa kaj morem...
6. Tale seznam sestavljam že več kot pol ure. Vsaka reč, ki mi pade na pamet je bolj prosmojena od druge.
7. Zanima me, kako bi bilo dopust preživeti pod palmo, z odklopljenimi mislimi.
7 things about myself...
1. I have a special note to write book titles in (books I need to read in the future). I usually forget it at home when I go to the library...
2. I don't like onion and garlic.
3. Once a week I manage to prepare a eatable lunch.
4. I like choir music. one of the best concert I've been to was Adiemus by Carmina Slovenica.
5. I I'm keeping all kind of stuff in my studio - I'm like a mad hamster. And yes, my studio is the messiest room in our house... I'm not proud of that but what can I do.
6.I have a really hard time putting this list together.
7. I wonder how it would be to have a vacation under a palm tree with nothing on my mind.
1. I have a special note to write book titles in (books I need to read in the future). I usually forget it at home when I go to the library...
2. I don't like onion and garlic.
3. Once a week I manage to prepare a eatable lunch.
4. I like choir music. one of the best concert I've been to was Adiemus by Carmina Slovenica.
5. I I'm keeping all kind of stuff in my studio - I'm like a mad hamster. And yes, my studio is the messiest room in our house... I'm not proud of that but what can I do.
6.I have a really hard time putting this list together.
7. I wonder how it would be to have a vacation under a palm tree with nothing on my mind.
Nagrado podeljujem / Nominees for the Kreativ Blogger Award:
...moji dragi bralci in ostali blogerji... vsi se posebni, kreativni in nadarjeni... nagrada gre vsem vam... dear readers and other are all special to me, all creativ and all talented... I nominate you all...
Zahvaljujoč Marni vam lahko podam link prav s koncerta na katerem sem bila. Spet sem dobila kurjo polt...
Thanks to Marna I'm able to give you a link to concert I've been to - Carmina Slovenica. Enjoy!
Predvsem pa sem bila ob branju tega tvojega prispevka danes še posebej počaščena. Namreč ... sem nekdanja članica zbora Carmina Slovenica in nastopajoča v projektu Adiemus. Tudi zame je to bil najboljši koncert, kar sem jih skupaj z ostalimi članicami kdajkoli odpela.
Lep pozdrav in da bi te zborovsko petje še naprej osrečevalo.
Tu stanuje vrana, pohabljena a ima že 3 mesece domovinsko ptavico in stopnice so zelo ožigosane z njenim bivanjem.
lp m.