Moji miški /My Little Mice
Navdušena sem nad temi ušeski. Nekaj dni že razmišljam, kako bi jih bilo najlažje narediti in ideja je uspela sto procentno. Moji miški sta sedaj pripravljeni na ples.
Je tudi pri vas Angelina Balerina velik hit?
I'm thrilled how those little ears turned out. I was trying to find the easiest way to make them and I found it. So, my little mice have new ears and they are readdy for the ball.
Inspired by Angelina Ballerina - Miss G favourite stories and cartoons :o)
Je tudi pri vas Angelina Balerina velik hit?
I'm thrilled how those little ears turned out. I was trying to find the easiest way to make them and I found it. So, my little mice have new ears and they are readdy for the ball.
Inspired by Angelina Ballerina - Miss G favourite stories and cartoons :o)
in hvala za paketek. sem šele danes prišla domov, me je pričakal na mizi. sem se veselila kot majhen otrok med odvijanjem. bučka je ravno prav rumena in prav fino mehka. hvala za trud in pozornost!
LP, Polona