Češnje in dežne kaplje / Cherries and raindrops
Vikend pri Rožmarinki
A weekend at Rosemary cottage
A weekend at Rosemary cottage
Celo noč je deževalo in zjutraj sem stekla na vrt. Hotela sem prehiteti burjo, ki bi odpihnila dežne kaplje.
It has been raining during the night and in the morning I ran outside. I wanted to see the raindrops in the garden before the north wind blows them away.
It has been raining during the night and in the morning I ran outside. I wanted to see the raindrops in the garden before the north wind blows them away.
Kasneje tistega dne so se na tej vrvi sušila oblačilca mojih deklic. Deževnica v vedrih... je sploh kaj lepšega?
The line was ful of my little girl's clothes later that day. Rainwater in buckets... the best place for playing!
The line was ful of my little girl's clothes later that day. Rainwater in buckets... the best place for playing!
Can you feel he freshness of the morning?
lp m.
Blessings, Sarah
Tudi moj službeni blok je poln bolj ali manj nasmejanih punčar in fantičev, ki mi dovolijo, da tudi med sestanki pobegnem v lepši svet.
Ne vem kaj je bolj cortkano - tevice ali nogice v tevicah.
Bodi še naprej moje zdravilo za kruto realnost.
Z roko bi kar segla v to košaro češenj in si naredila češnjeve uhane :o)))
these pictures are wonderful.