Rada imam rumeno / I like yellow

Odejica ali igralna podloga (po želji) za novorojenčka. Med šivanjem sem ponovno ugotovila, da o izdelovanju krpank nimam pojma. Takole na sliki niti ne izgleda tako slabo, v živo pa bi marsikatera šivilja našla kup pomanjkljivosti. Nič zato. Meni je všeč in rumena jo prav poživi. Tudi gospodična N je rekla, da je odejica krasna za igranje skrivalnic.

Blanket or playing mat (as you wish) for a newborn boy. Making this I realise (again) I have no idea how to make a quilt. But it looks nice on photo, but a regular needlewoman would find a lot of imperfections. Doesn't matter. I like it. And it's great for playing hide-and-seek.
Na tole sem pa zelo ponosna. Resnično. Prav važna sem :o) Mehka podloga za na klop v čudoviti rumeni barvi.

I'm really proud of this one. Really. It's a soft cotton pad to put on bench. And in such lovely sunny yellow.
Kaj rišeš, sestrica? Polžka. / What are you drawing, sister? A snail.

Cvetovi hruške / Pear tree blossom


Oseba Amy sporoča …
I think it is the tiny imperfections of handmade items including quilts that make them extra special.
Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
LOVE your Quilt and your Bench Cushion looks like you bought it ~ very professional.

The picture of your children is priceless!!

I've always loved blue and yellow together ~ so crisp.

Hope you're having a "hoppy" weekend ~

Bunny Blessings to you and yours ~

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
I just love the cushion on your bench! It is darling with the little touches you have done!

I hope your weekend is a nice one for you!

-Emily xxx
Oseba Cape Cod Washashore sporoča …
What darling children! And I love the quilt you made! He looks to be the same age as my nephew (who was born last November). What a fun age!