Uživanje v pomladi

Zadnje dni smo imeli čudovito vreme in ni bilo sile, ki bi nas zadržala noter.
We had a wonderful weather last few days. There was no way we would stay indoors.

Vsak dan smo šli na jutranji sprehod v park....
Every day we went on a morning walk into the park....
...tkali nova prijateljstva...
...made friends with farm animals...

(Bila sem resnično presenečena, ko je gospodična G sedla na konja in z nasmehom na obrazu odjahala cel krog. Sama si v njenih letih konja še pobožati nisem upala. Res je neverjetna. Nobene živali se ne boji in ima do vseh pozitiven odnos. Z možem se zelo trudiva za to.)
(I was amazed to see Miss G on a horse. She rode the whole circle with a happy smile on her face. In her age I did't dare to touch a horse and later I got nearly bitten by one. She is amazing. She is not afraid of any animal and we are very happy about it.)
...hranili vrtne živali....
...feeding poor hungry snails in our garden...

...uživali v drobnih rečeh....
...enyoj in the little things...

Ni pogojev, da pomočim prst v tale ribnik. / No way I'm putting my finger into this pond.Danes pa je deževalo in mi je uspelo urediti slike in napisati nekaj besed v tale moj blog. Poleg tega sem končala krilce za gospodično G s katerim se ukvarjam že nekaj večerov. Oblike na spodnjem robu sem prišila ročno s prejo za vezenje. Prav simpatično je izpadlo. (Sliko bom dodala kasneje, ker se je moj mož nekaj igral s kabli pri računalniku in nimam pojma, kako sedaj prepričati fotoaparat, naj mi prestavi slike na disk.)
It was raining today so I managed to organize photos and write few words into my blog. I also finish a skirt for Miss G. I'll add photos later, because my husband played with cables and I have no idea how to convince the camera to put photos on computer. Sorry for that.


Oseba Tonje sporoča …
Looks like you had some great days out in the nice weather. I like the snail picture... it's sooo sweet.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Oh, I loved your comment about not knowing how to download photos. I was clueless about that too until I started my blog and my husband taught me how. It is so easy and I am very happy to not have to ask him every time I want to do something.

I just love the fern frond photo and your little sweetheart on the horse. Lucky that she isn't afraid of animals. My little one is so very shy of animals and people...
Oseba zakkalife sporoča …
what great pictures, especially the one with the red flowers
Oseba Natasha Burns sporoča …
Hi! I found your beautiful blog through Jayne at Bunny Chic Boutique, she had a post about your blog and Slovenia. I got so excited seeing the photos of Lake Bled and I am so happy to have found your blog, my mother was born in Postojna, and I have cousins in Bled, Postojna and Ljubljana. I love your beautiful country, I was there in 2000 and I would love to come back tomorrow if I could!
Thanks for all the beautiful photos, I will be checking your blog regularly now that I have found it!
lahko noč!
Natasha (in Australia)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Anja, these photographs are real treasures. How blessed you are.

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Pomlad v parku diši kot coco chanel.
Oseba Juddie sporoča …
Oh Anja,
these photos are wonderful! You've captured the spirit of Spring and childhood so beautifully...

:-) Juddie
Oseba Bird Bath sporoča …
How lovely to find your blog... I really like your photos. very bright and cheerful.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Se vec takih objav, prosim!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Dobra objava, hvala