Trenutki v maju / Just a minute in May

Iščem ... lepe kotičke kamorkoli grem. Včasih pozabim fotoaparat in si potem rečem, da bom narisala, ko pridem domov... ha ha, dober štos, kaj ne

Looking... for lovely views everywhere I go. When I forget my camera, I said to myself that I need to remember and draw it at home... ha ha, good one

Poslušam... čebljanje in smejanje gospodične N.

Listening... to Miss N chattering and laughing.



Voham... morje Ogledali smo si grad Miramar.

Smelling... sea. We were at Miramar castle, Trieste, Italy.

Smehljam se... ob pogledu na najmanjše tevice kar sem jih kdaj videla.

Smiling ... at the sight of those wee Teva sandal. So cute!

Iščem... zajčico. Pogrešali smo jo dva dni, potem pa se je vrnila. (Ja, na sliki je resda veverica, ampak je vsaj glodalec :o)

Looking for our bunny girl. She was missing for two days and I was about to give up when she came back. I was so glad!

Želim si..., da bi imel dan kakšno urico več.

Wishing ... a day would be one hour longer.

Find more Minutes here.


Oseba Rumour has it sporoča …
Beautiful flower-picture up here! And yes: those little feet of little Miss N. are so cute in those sandals! Is she your daughter? In former times I had a friend coming from Slovenia and I know that she went to Italy quite often by ship. Both countries aren´t as far from each other as it might seem, I think.
Have a good weekend, Anja! I´ll be back soon.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Such sweet and beautiful summer photos.
Oseba stef et sa belette sporoča …
ces photos sont magnifiques !
j'adore !
Oseba tara sporoča …
your pictures are wonderful!!!!!!!!
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
i am smiling at those tiny pink sandals, too. :)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Sandalčki so res najlepši.
lp m.
Oseba Bird Bath sporoča …
lovely photos and lovely moments!