Giveaway day
Pozdravljeni vsi!
Kako ste?
Ne boste verjeli, da sedim pri računalniku zavita v pleteno odejo. Delo mojih rok, če je to lahko izgovor da sem v teh vročih dneh privlekla nekaj tako zimskega na plan. Delno me opraviči, kaj ne? Če pa vam povem, da je malce čez polnoč in da so balkonska vrata na stežaj odprta, ker ustvarjamo spalne pogoje, potem so reči jasnejše.
No, o poteku mojega odmorčka bom poročala jutri ali pojutrišnjem, danes pa vam povem, kaj me je vrnilo v ta moj mali vrtiček. Bonbončki... polno bonbončkov, ki se bodo delili vse tja do konca maja. Kliknite na slikco, pa vas bo odneslo na izvor in od tam potem lahko raziskujete in zapravite urico, dve...
Hello everybody! How are you? Hot? It's hot here in Slovenia. baking hot or how do they say it. But, you won't belive it - I'm sitting here, wraped up in a blanket. It's true. It's handmade - if that's an excuse. No, the truth is, that before we went to bed, we really need to air the appartment. So, it's after midnight, the windows are all open and I'm cold.
And why am I sitting here instead of sleeping? I thought that a giveaway would be a great way to come back. And SMS giveaway sounds even more fun. Click on image above and you'll be transfered to SMS blog and then you're good for an hour or two...
Kako ste?
Ne boste verjeli, da sedim pri računalniku zavita v pleteno odejo. Delo mojih rok, če je to lahko izgovor da sem v teh vročih dneh privlekla nekaj tako zimskega na plan. Delno me opraviči, kaj ne? Če pa vam povem, da je malce čez polnoč in da so balkonska vrata na stežaj odprta, ker ustvarjamo spalne pogoje, potem so reči jasnejše.
No, o poteku mojega odmorčka bom poročala jutri ali pojutrišnjem, danes pa vam povem, kaj me je vrnilo v ta moj mali vrtiček. Bonbončki... polno bonbončkov, ki se bodo delili vse tja do konca maja. Kliknite na slikco, pa vas bo odneslo na izvor in od tam potem lahko raziskujete in zapravite urico, dve...
Hello everybody! How are you? Hot? It's hot here in Slovenia. baking hot or how do they say it. But, you won't belive it - I'm sitting here, wraped up in a blanket. It's true. It's handmade - if that's an excuse. No, the truth is, that before we went to bed, we really need to air the appartment. So, it's after midnight, the windows are all open and I'm cold.
And why am I sitting here instead of sleeping? I thought that a giveaway would be a great way to come back. And SMS giveaway sounds even more fun. Click on image above and you'll be transfered to SMS blog and then you're good for an hour or two...
* * *
- pustite komentar na to objavo;
- zadnji dan za oddajo komentarja je 31. maj;
- zmagovalca bo določil žreb;
- pošiljko bom poslala najkasneje 3. junija (častna sončna)
- leave a comment on this post till 31st May
- I'll choose the winner randomly
- I will send my parcel anywhere in this lovely green planet
- I'll do it until 3rd June (I promise)
Kaj podarjam? / What am I giving away?
Jakna in obleka - kroj, ne oblačilo
Dress and jacket - a pattern, not actual clothes
pattern maudella 5808
Kroj sem kupila v neki second hand trogini v Angliji in ga še niti odprla nisem.
I bought it in some OP shop in England and I have never used it.
- pustite komentar na to objavo;
- zadnji dan za oddajo komentarja je 31. maj;
- zmagovalca bo določil žreb;
- pošiljko bom poslala najkasneje 3. junija (častna sončna)
- leave a comment on this post till 31st May
- I'll choose the winner randomly
- I will send my parcel anywhere in this lovely green planet
- I'll do it until 3rd June (I promise)
Kaj podarjam? / What am I giving away?
Jakna in obleka - kroj, ne oblačilo
Dress and jacket - a pattern, not actual clothes
pattern maudella 5808
Kroj sem kupila v neki second hand trogini v Angliji in ga še niti odprla nisem.
I bought it in some OP shop in England and I have never used it.
Tole pa je oblekica za lonček. Dobite jo skupaj z lončkom in v lončku bodo še razne drobnarije, ki vam bodo zagotovo všeč.
And this is a glass dress. You will get it with the glass and the glass will be ful of goodies.
And this is a glass dress. You will get it with the glass and the glass will be ful of goodies.
Here too - it's coming into winter, but still hot and cold and can't decide. And I'm bored of putting my socks/jumper on and off.
ne v žepu ali pod palcem zaklad.
in če imaš koga rad ...
(Tone Pavček)
Vse dobro ...
Pozdravček, Jasna (dekca)
what a great way to come back. :) i've missed reading you. i'll have a giveaway up on my blog tomorrow . . . i was a bit slow this time . . .
We have had days of nothing but rain where I live in the Midwest! Roads and basements are flooding. Please enter my name in your fun giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
thanks so much
cheers :)
stitchsavesnine (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Cassie Driver
I am 8. Check out my giveaway too.
My mom also has a giveway at
I am 8. Check out my giveaway too.
My mom also has a giveway at
Greetings from - also hot - Mexico :)
your blog looks great!
and i joynd in as a follower!
thanks and have a cool day!
my email
suserat at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the opportunity, and cheers from Barcelona :-)
You can contact me via a comment on my blog or the email provided there.
my email is:
We would also take them out onto our front lawn (when they were nearly ready to fly) and gently toss them just above the ground. This gave them good practice and built up their strength. Eventually, they flew away during their practice! Good luck with your little baby!!
That ribbon is so beautiful, and the glass dress sounds like fun!
Thank you for the great giveaway and the chance to win!
Thanks for your generosity!
lholy_chan [[at]] yahoo [[dot]] fr
Hugs & Blessings!
Count me in!
Zakaj ne?
Ker sem vedno prepozna.
lp m.