Giveaway day

Pozdravljeni vsi!
Kako ste?
Ne boste verjeli, da sedim pri računalniku zavita v pleteno odejo. Delo mojih rok, če je to lahko izgovor da sem v teh vročih dneh privlekla nekaj tako zimskega na plan. Delno me opraviči, kaj ne? Če pa vam povem, da je malce čez polnoč in da so balkonska vrata na stežaj odprta, ker ustvarjamo spalne pogoje, potem so reči jasnejše.

No, o poteku mojega odmorčka bom poročala jutri ali pojutrišnjem, danes pa vam povem, kaj me je vrnilo v ta moj mali vrtiček. Bonbončki... polno bonbončkov, ki se bodo delili vse tja do konca maja. Kliknite na slikco, pa vas bo odneslo na izvor in od tam potem lahko raziskujete in zapravite urico, dve...

Hello everybody! How are you? Hot? It's hot here in Slovenia. baking hot or how do they say it. But, you won't belive it - I'm sitting here, wraped up in a blanket. It's true. It's handmade - if that's an excuse. No, the truth is, that before we went to bed, we really need to air the appartment. So, it's after midnight, the windows are all open and I'm cold.

And why am I sitting here instead of sleeping? I thought that a giveaway would be a great way to come back. And SMS giveaway sounds even more fun. Click on image above and you'll be transfered to SMS blog and then you're good for an hour or two...

* * *
- pustite komentar na to objavo;
- zadnji dan za oddajo komentarja je 31. maj;
- zmagovalca bo določil žreb;
- pošiljko bom poslala najkasneje 3. junija (častna sončna)

- leave a comment on this post till 31st May
- I'll choose the winner randomly
- I will send my parcel anywhere in this lovely green planet
- I'll do it until 3rd June (I promise)

Kaj podarjam? / What am I giving away?

Jakna in obleka - kroj, ne oblačilo
Dress and jacket - a pattern, not actual clothes
pattern maudella 5808
Kroj sem kupila v neki second hand trogini v Angliji in ga še niti odprla nisem.
I bought it in some OP shop in England and I have never used it.

Širok trak (10 cm) primeren za okrasitev torbe. Dolg je dober meter.
A wide (10 cm) ribbon, band... I have no idea what this is in English. It's more than 1 meter long. It's got little mirrors on and it's really special.

Tole pa je oblekica za lonček. Dobite jo skupaj z lončkom in v lončku bodo še razne drobnarije, ki vam bodo zagotovo všeč.
And this is a glass dress. You will get it with the glass and the glass will be ful of goodies.



Oseba TracyC sporoča …
Ohhh...what an awesome giveaway. Cross my fingers I win. The weather switches between hot and cold here. I wish it would decide on something. :-)
Oseba Hali sporoča …
Mhmhm spet en sladka stvar pri Anji. Mogoče mi junij prinese srečo :-)
Oseba Urškin Raj sporoča …
njama :) tole pa zgleda krasno :))
Oseba ellie sporoča …
What a lovely giveaway. I like the ribbon band thing with mirrors on it.

Here too - it's coming into winter, but still hot and cold and can't decide. And I'm bored of putting my socks/jumper on and off.
Oseba Neža sporoča …
Vau, kako luštne stvari. Vsaka stvar bi me popestrila :)
Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
... A sreča ni v glavi in ne v daljavi,
ne v žepu ali pod palcem zaklad.
in če imaš koga rad ...

(Tone Pavček)

Vse dobro ...
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Dobrodošla nazaj!! A se kmalu vidimo?
Pozdravček, Jasna (dekca)
Oseba Suzy sporoča …
Lepo te je spet brat. Da se vračaš v tem stilu, je pa tudi tebi podobno :)
Oseba Pullga sporoča …
Lep trak, počasi odkrivam tvoj blog.
Oseba EightPP sporoča …
Thanks for the giveaway! I love the ribbon with the mirrors & that pattern is delightful!
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
hello again, anja!

what a great way to come back. :) i've missed reading you. i'll have a giveaway up on my blog tomorrow . . . i was a bit slow this time . . .
Oseba Thistle Cove Farm sporoča …
Enjoyed my visit to your blog and looking at all your pretties. the 'ribbon mirror' is lovely.
Oseba Mari sporoča …
This is my first time in your blog, but this will not be the last visit!
Oseba RebeccaMom sporoča …
gorgeous items! what a great giveaway :) (I hope I win...)
Oseba damocamelia sporoča …
Yesssssssssss.. please count me in !!!
Oseba Bethany sporoča …
Wow, great give-away. I love that pattern! And also the ribbon, very unique!
Oseba Tonya sporoča …
You're the first person from Slovenia that I've ever written to. I'm excited to enter your giveaway. And what a lovely giveaway it is.
Oseba Christy sporoča …
hello there! i'm happy to stop by your blog! thanks for your unique and so lovely offering.
Oseba Emily Gusba sporoča …
Wow - so pretty! I would be thrilled to win! The ribbon is sooo nice - thank you!
Oseba windycindy sporoča …
What a delightful prize package!
We have had days of nothing but rain where I live in the Midwest! Roads and basements are flooding. Please enter my name in your fun giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
Oseba Jenna Z sporoča …
The ribbon is what I would call "black forest" ribbon, very ornately embroidered ribbon. It is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
The best part of giveaway day has been discovering so many great blogs :)
Oseba Jingle sporoča …
Everything looks just lovely! The photos on your blog are wonderful!
Oseba Trudy sporoča …
Very nice.
Oseba sandyandcosmo sporoča …
Everything is so pretty! Thanks for a chance to win.
Oseba Leigh sporoča …
Oh that trim is incredible!!! My head is spinning with ideas!
Oseba Mary on Lake Pulaski sporoča …
You have such beautiful and interesting items in your give away and all over your blog!!
Oseba Dresden Quilter sporoča …
What beautiful giveaways! Thank you so much.
Oseba rebecca sporoča …
that jacket pattern looks so awesome! Thanks for giving away such fun stuff!
Oseba The Giveaway Diva sporoča …
i'd love to be entered!!!
Oseba Miri sporoča …
Please count me in! Thanks! samjerus[at]
Oseba Ellyn sporoča …
lovely! The items & your blog!
Oseba Eema-le sporoča …
That patters is so cool.
Oseba BettsyKingston sporoča …
Fantastic trim and cute crochet!
Oseba ikkinlala sporoča …
I would love to enter your giveaway, please!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
How fabulous! I would love it! Thank you so much for the chance!
Oseba melonkelli sporoča …
That ribbon is very pretty! I love it.
Oseba Ashlee sporoča …
These are wonderful! Count me in!
Oseba undeadgoat sporoča …
Wow, that trim is really special. Count me in!
Oseba Lane sporoča …
the ribbon/band/trim thingie has me so intrigued! fingers crossed that i win!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Interesting giveaway. I love ribbon & vintage items.

ashlomb at yahoo dot com
Oseba Sara sporoča …
what wonderful giveaways you've put up! i love the gorgeous ribbon especially!
thanks so much
cheers :)
Oseba MB sporoča …
Beautiful stuff you are giving away! Thanks for your participation.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
how beautiful! I've never seen ribbon like that is gorgeous!
Oseba The Green Cat sporoča …
Wow--beautiful items you have included here. Thanks for being part of this giveaway day!
Oseba Linda sporoča …
Love the giveaway! The ribbon, especially, caught my eye!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
OH! How generous! Thanks for the chance to win all these great items!!!
Oseba Leslie sporoča …
I love your giveaway! So cute.
Oseba Amanda W sporoča …
Oooh what a gorgeous and generous giveaway!! Please enter me into the draw.
Oseba craftykat sporoča …
Hi - That ribbon is DIVINE! Great giveaway!!!
Oseba Natalija sporoča …
Greetings from Italy :) And thank you for the giveaway! Please include me in the drawing.

stitchsavesnine (at) yahoo (dot) com
Oseba Katie B sporoča …
Beautiful giveaway! Thank you!
Oseba Sara sporoča …
What a lovely giveaway! I'd love to win.
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.
Oseba The Shumate Family sporoča …
I'd love to win! Thanks!!
Oseba bashtree sporoča …
The ribbon is so beautiful! It really does look special.
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Oseba McCrafty /Klavdija sporoča …
Vidim,da boš rabila velik koš za vse listke :). Razvjaj nas še naprej s svojimi zapiski.
Oseba Louisa sporoča …
Oh the glass dress is wonderful. I'm learning crochet!
Oseba Kaye Prince sporoča …
Thanks so much; what a great giveaway! I would love to win!
Oseba Barbi sporoča …
Še ena v vrsti. Superski bonbonček je tole. :)
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
This is a great giveaway!

Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Cassie Driver
Oseba janet lee sporoča …
i really like the ribbon and pattern. thanks!
Oseba B sporoča …
That would be the best parcel to get in the mail ever! Hope you warm up a bit from the airing out the apartment.
Oseba Jemma. sporoča …
Thanks Anja!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Awesome giveaway!

I am 8. Check out my giveaway too.

My mom also has a giveway at
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Awesome giveaway!

I am 8. Check out my giveaway too.

My mom also has a giveway at
Oseba Jessica sporoča …
I love this giveaway! Thanks for participating!
Oseba Donna sporoča …
Wow! Please enter me in the drawing! I would love to win!
Oseba A Joyful Chaos sporoča …
what a great give away! I am glad you gave me the opportunity to enter. I would love to win!
Oseba Jeanie sporoča …
Thanks for the lovely giveaway ! I would love to win ! Please add me in your draw.
Oseba Bethany sporoča …
Thank you for the interesting giveaway! I live in Atlanta, GA and it has been hot here the last week or so. In the 80 degree Fahrenheit range with 80% humidity. That makes it hot and sticky/sweaty. But that is just life in the southern USA. As the summer goes on, it will get hotter, fun stuff! Thank you again!
Oseba Kim sporoča …
Yay, surprises! :D
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Lovely prizes, please enter me in your drawing. Thank you for your generosity!
Greetings from - also hot - Mexico :)
Oseba carmel sporoča …
hi! thanks for the giveaway
your blog looks great!
and i joynd in as a follower!
thanks and have a cool day!
Oseba Tasha sporoča …
what a fantastic giveaway! please enter me into your draw ;)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Thanks for the great giveaway! =) Please count me in.
Oseba Stacy sporoča …
How beautiful. I love to get things from other countries. It is so neat to see what things others use that is different from us. Thanks for having this giveaway!
Oseba Sha nay nay sporoča …
Such beautiful crafts!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
i would love to win i´m an 21 year old mother of 2 little boys in germany ^.^ greetings from here to you and your family thanks for that great giveaway

my email
Oseba ni sporoča …
beautiful giveaway . please enter me too!
Oseba Susan W sporoča …
What an absolutely beautiful giveaway! Your pieces are quite lovely - thank you for the opportunity!

suserat at yahoo dot com
Oseba sfer sporoča …
Gorgeous... I think I just fell in love with the ribbon...

Thanks for the opportunity, and cheers from Barcelona :-)

Oseba javede sporoča …
I would love to win this!
You can contact me via a comment on my blog or the email provided there.
Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
Anja draga imaš ti to odejico v katero si bila zavita, ko si pisala to objavo kje na blogu na fotografiji? Tako rada bi jo videla.
Oseba rockgranny sporoča …
Hi soseda, me veseli srečati nekoga komu ni treba pisati na angleškem in upam da se bomo tukaj srečali še naprej.Veselilo bi me tudi če bi bila tako srečna in zmagala ...Živijo
Oseba Misty.Creek sporoča …
I'm drooling over that pattern! And the decorative band and glass cover are beautiful! Hi from Kentucky!
Oseba Ilona sporoča …
Lovely give-away! That strip is awesome!
Oseba faith sporoča …
That is so awesome. I love the pattern and the glass. I just started sewing and I always love to add to my collection. :) My mother-in-law is helping me with a couple new projects.

my email is:
Oseba chrissyand sporoča …
Wow! What a lot of work on your site, what with 2 languages and all. Thank you for your generosity.
Oseba Tawny sporoča …
That ribbon is exquisite! Maybe you should visit Winnipeg in Canada for awhile. It's still cold here. Only about 5 degrees Celsius for the last week. Still waiting for summer...
Oseba Suwannee Mama sporoča …
I am baking hot here in Florida (USA), too! It is hot all the time here now. You have some lovely things to give away! The ribbon is just amazing.
Oseba Vanessa Monet sporoča …
I love your blog! I saw your post about the baby sparrow...we saved and raised baby sparrows who had fallen out of their nests. They LOVE mealworms!
We would also take them out onto our front lawn (when they were nearly ready to fly) and gently toss them just above the ground. This gave them good practice and built up their strength. Eventually, they flew away during their practice! Good luck with your little baby!!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Very nice to meet you. Thanks for participating in the giveaways--your stuff is lovely.
Oseba Aimee sporoča …
A wonderful giveaway!!! I would love to try the pattern. And the ribbon is very beautiful!
Oseba grandmarockton sporoča …
wonderful items! I'll be back to visit again THANKS
Oseba Digital Misfit sporoča …
Wonderful and creative giveaway!
That ribbon is so beautiful, and the glass dress sounds like fun!
Oseba Sandy in Buenos Aires sporoča …
Gorgeous items! The ribbon is lovely!
Thank you for the great giveaway and the chance to win!
Oseba Super Fun Mama sporoča …
So beautiful. I'd love to win!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
I didn't know that glasses needed dresses. Now I fell guilty that my glasses are all naked :D
Oseba affectioknit sporoča …
Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks! It's still chilly spring weather here in ND...
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Thank you for the give away! I love the ribbon, it's beautiful.
Oseba Malinda sporoča …
what a great give away - that ribbon is amazing!
Oseba Kimberly sporoča …
The embroidery on that trim is gorgeous!
Thanks for your generosity!
Oseba pinecone304 sporoča …
THank you for the thoughtful giveaway. THe trim is really beautiful.
Oseba lholy-chan sporoča …
This is a really nice giveaway! The "ribbon" is beautiful! Thank you for a chance to win. :)

lholy_chan [[at]] yahoo [[dot]] fr
Oseba Carolyn sporoča …
What a pretty giveaway! Our weather is very nice today. Not too hot, and not too cold. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for the great giveaway!
Oseba Breanna S. sporoča …
Awsome giveaway. I would love some of your native goodies in that glass.
Oseba Mom2Da'Gorgeouses sporoča …
That ribbon is beautiful, thanks for the chance to win!

Hugs & Blessings!
Oseba Ginny sporoča …
Amazing giveaway
Oseba spring basil sporoča …
Hello! I'm so happy to have found your blog through SMS. My husband is from Poland, where we lived in Wroclaw for a time and we adore Slovenia. Such a beautiful country. :)
Oseba K. Anne sporoča …
hi! please enter me in your giveaway! thank you so much. your offer is beautiful!
Oseba Trinity sporoča …
Very lovely giveaway, thank you!
Oseba mub sporoča …
Thanks for the chance to win!
Oseba KarenD sporoča …
Very special indeed!

Count me in!
Oseba Jen B sporoča …
It was cold last night, but it's beautiful here in Pennsylvania (USA) today.
Oseba Becky sporoča …
What a generous GiveAway! Thank you!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Še nikoli nisem bila izžrebana.
Zakaj ne?
Ker sem vedno prepozna.
lp m.