Vikend fotke / Weekend photos
Ste me videli bežati? ne, to bo zato, ker sem bila tako hitra. Bežala sem pred volkom. Tistim velikim, sivim in lačnim. Tistim, ki je pojedel babico in sedem kozličkov. Nekako je splezal iz vodnjaka in ker imam tako volčjo srečo, je naletel točno name. Ampak sedaj sem v redu. Tako zelo v redu, da sem si upala celo na vrt in naredila nekaj fotk. Sicer se po gospodičnah pase volčji prehlad in se držimo bolj ob strani, ampak tudi ko smo sami, nam je lepo.Bolj malo časa imam za kakšno ustvarjanje, ampak nekaj ekskluzivnih fotk vam bom v kratkem lahko pokazala. Do takrat pa:
Did you see me run? No. Well that's because I was so fst. i was running away from the wolf. That big, grey, hungry wolf. The one that ate granny and seven goats. He somehow manage to get out of the well and because I'm so wolfy lucky, he found me. But I'm OK now. Actualy I even manage to take a camera and do some shots. Yay. Miss G and N are having some nasty wolfy fever, so we can't go out much, but our garden is lovely as well. I didn't have time for craft though, but I'm positive that I'll be able to show you some WIP photos. I'm working on somethink really special. It's in my head for now, but soon... until than:
vranji mladič, ki še ne zna leteti in domuje na našem vrtu. Starša ga skrbno čuvata na vsakem njegovem koraku in dokler nista ugotovila, da nismo nevarni, smo morali držati gospodični na varnem. Njuni nizki preleti in jezno krakanje bi prestrašili tudi vas, verjemite.
baby crow. She still can't fly so she is jumping around our garden. Her parents are always around and we had some scary moments with them before they learned that we are no threat to their kid. Belive me, they sure know how to fly low.
Se vidimo kmalu. Jutri odhajam na tridnevni tabor z mojimi mulčki. Bodite lepo.
See you soon. I'm taking my pupils to a 'shool in nature'. It's just for a few days. Be well.
Did you see me run? No. Well that's because I was so fst. i was running away from the wolf. That big, grey, hungry wolf. The one that ate granny and seven goats. He somehow manage to get out of the well and because I'm so wolfy lucky, he found me. But I'm OK now. Actualy I even manage to take a camera and do some shots. Yay. Miss G and N are having some nasty wolfy fever, so we can't go out much, but our garden is lovely as well. I didn't have time for craft though, but I'm positive that I'll be able to show you some WIP photos. I'm working on somethink really special. It's in my head for now, but soon... until than:

baby crow. She still can't fly so she is jumping around our garden. Her parents are always around and we had some scary moments with them before they learned that we are no threat to their kid. Belive me, they sure know how to fly low.

See you soon. I'm taking my pupils to a 'shool in nature'. It's just for a few days. Be well.
Saj so tudi druge dobre. Tista z rozikami je tudi prav nekaj posebnega. Resnično imaš oko in roko za takšne fotografije.