Kaos / Messy-zone

... v moji delovni sobi... ponavadi se lotim reorganizacije kadar imam minus deset ur časa... ha ha, da so stvari bolj vesele in napete. Torej, ogromna pisalna miza, ki je do pred kratkim služila kot velika odlagalna polica v otroški sobi in pod njo hišica za igranje, je odpotovala v mojo delovno sobo. Tam zavzema celo steno, tisto z oknom in imam med šivanjem... no bom imela med šivanjem lep razgled na naš vrt... trenutno je miza polna najrazličnejše krame, ker sem se lotila temeljite čistke in urejanja... veste koliko zanimiv reči sem ponovno odkrila? ... in koliko bedarij sem vrgla stran?...
Stanje v delovni sobi je trenutno absolutno nefotogenično (je pa otroška soba toliko bolj simpatična in ljubka in sploh sem ful zadovoljna - ampak deklici že spita in jima ne morem usekat ene strele sredi sanj), vam pa bom z veseljem pokazala sliko POTEM... do takrat pa... imejte se radi in uživajte poletje.

...in my studio... I'm a really smart lady and I start an reorganization when I have minus 10 hours of time... reorganization of furniture this time... I took the giant table inside the kids room into my studio. I did manage to get some space for it and now it is set infront of the window and it is going to be really nice to rest my eyes on our garden... but before I could sit behind the sewing machine or desk, I'll have to do a super big clean up... I mean really big one... I allready throw a whole box with stuff and there is going to be one more or more. I'll make a really lovely creative space and I'll show you some pictures, but for now the room is totaly non-photogenic :o)

Until then.. have fun, enjoy summer...


Oseba Sarah Sullivan sporoča …
Love the flowers - so good in salad!
I always trash my room when I reorganize- stuff everywhere!! Good luck!! Hugs, Sarah
Oseba Tina sporoča …
Good luck with your organizing, sounds like it will be wonderful when you are done...well worth the hard work!
Oseba TracyC sporoča …
I just did that this week. It will be fun to see the finished pictures of your new spiffy space!
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
hello anja,

how are things going for you? it has been a while since you posted, and i am hoping that everything is going well, but that you are just busy.

with good wishes,
Oseba Jikkes sporoča …
I enjoy your summer pictures....GREAT!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Hihi, v septembru pa je delovna soba spet nefotogenična.
lp m.