Grad v oblakih / Castle in the clouds

Ravno pravšenj kos blaga je ostal od maminega kostima, da sem lahko sešila tole oblekico za gospodično G. Modro-beli-zlati vzorci so me spominjali na nebo in, ko sem zadnjič v parku občudovala oblake, sem vedela, da je to to. Oblekica za malo zasanjanko.

Sometimes you look at the fabric and you get a blured vision of a piece of clothes you want to sew with it. But you need a story to go with it. You know, clothes are different with a contest. And that you look at the sky and it hits you. That's what happened to me. I got this scrap of fabric from my mums skirt. The pattern of dark blue, white and gold seemed perfect for a simple spring dress for Miss G. And few days later when we were at the park I looked up and there were amazing clouds above us and I just knew...castle in the cloud for my little dreamer.


Oseba ArtSparker sporoča …
So sweet, extraordinary.
Oseba Andreja sporoča …
Zasanjanki bo zagotovo všeč, lepa je :-))
Oseba Vladuška sporoča …
Full je lušna, jaz bi tudi tako mela :-)