Teden šivanja za otroke: dan 2 / Kids clothes week challenge: day 2
Tole oblekico sem sešila že prejšnji teden, danes pa sem dodala dve ročno narejeni gumbnici (ja, včasih imam res hecne prebliske) in gumba. Oblekica je sešita izključno iz ostankov blaga (še vedno se mi zatresejo roke, ko pomislim, da bi zarezala v velik kos kos blaga) in nekako mi je prav simpatična. Vijolična in zelena... hm, ampak ker imajo slončki zelena ušesa, se mi je zdela to dobra ideja. Vsekakor pa si moram zapomniti, da dokler se ne naučim ravno šivati, ne smem uporabljati temnejše niti kot je blago. Je pa res, če je lepo valovito, je tudi lepo :o)
I made this dress last week, when I was preparing for the big challenge and I knew, that it will be impossible to sew a piece of clothes every day. Good thinking, because today was a busy one so I only manage to make two handsewn buttonholes and sew two white buttons.
The dress is made entirely out of fabric scraps (my hands are still shaking when holding scissors too close to a new piece of fabric). But I find it lovely in a funny way. Purple and green... hm, but the elephants ears are green in the middle so I thought it should be OK. And since my kids were both trying to put it on I guess it's a winning combination :o)