Inspired by Iceland: Trgovinca / Craft shop
Islandija je polna ljubkih trgovinc z najrazličnejšimi unikatnimi izdelki. Med materiali prevladujejo naravni materiali (volna, kosti, les, kamni...) Za današnjo objavo sem izbrala trgovinco iz majhne ribiške vasice iz enega od vzhodnih fjordov, Djupivogur.
Iceland is ful of lovely craft shops. They are ful of wonderful and most creative unique items... Artists are mostly using materials from nature - wool, wood, skins, bones... I was so impressed. Love their design.
I would like to show you photos of a cute shop from little fishing village in one of the Eastern fjords, Djupivogur.
Žal mi je za slabe fotke. Bilo je megleno in temačno.
I'm sorry for bad photos. It was gloomy and foggy that evening.
fotke splooooh niso slabe. nasprotno - krasno vzdušje pričarajo.
what fun to see all the beautiful pictures from your trip to iceland. my kiddos were looking at them with me, and they were wondering over all the "green" in ICEland. :)
i love the little gnomes you have pictured today. i might need to make some like them when i unpack all my crafty goodies. :)
hugs to you,