Barve / Colours
V šoli se že s polno paro pripravljamo na tradicionalni praznični sejem. Seveda ni nobena skrivnost, da UŽIVAM. Za vsakim izdelkom se skriva zgodbica in otroci so neskončno motivirani.
Včeraj smo se lotili prelivanja barv v čarobnem oblaku. Prvotna ideja je bila, da poslikamo cel list, ki ga bom nato razrezala in uporabila za voščilnice. Potem pa so mi bile slike tako všeč, da nisem imela srca, da bi jih razrezala. Raje sem jih obesila in me razveseljujejo.
I really like my job in this time of year (and other times too, but this time is so special). We are crafting like crazy and getting ready for our annual, tradicional fair. With every craft there is a story behind and kids are so motivated. I love it.
We were draving a magical cloud the other day. My plan as to cut the paintings for Christmas cards, but now I love them so much, I hanged them on the wall. They are making me so happy.
Tole pa je nekaj čisto posebnega in je še v nastajanju, ampak mislim, da vam bom kmalu pokazala celoten izdelek.
And this is something special. It's still work in progress, but I hope I'll be able to show you the rest soon.
Uživajte in lep vikend vsem.
Wishing you a wonderful and fun weekend.