Čudovit sprehod / A lovely walk

 Se samo meni zdi ali nam Jesen resnično zelo na tenko odmerja sončne dni. Težki deževni oblaki se valijo po nebu in delajo noč sredi dneva. Sončna vila si komaj izbori pogled na zemljo. A kadar pride se vse blešči. Njeno povabilo na sprehod je nemogoče odkloniti.

Autumn is very wet this year. Heavy dark clouds are wandering above us and making night in the middle of the day. Visits from Sun-fairy are very rare, but when she comes, the world sparkles. It's magical and it's impossible to not accept her invitaton to go out and play with her.

 S sprehoda so domov prinesli kup zakladov. Nekaj smo jih obesili pod strop, da nas razveseljujejo ob deževnih popoldnevih.

On Saturday we brought home some treasures and we hung them under the ceiling. They are making me happy in dark rainy afternoons.


Oseba elizabeth sporoča …
i love your stick with all the leaves and bits hanging from it!

i just may have to do something similar! it would be so pretty with christmas ornaments and outdoor bits . . . you inspire me!
Oseba Ann sporoča …
Ooo love that mobile Anja! I laminated some leaves last year to hang in the window - they kept their colour all year.