Prvi sneg / First snow
Včeraj zvečer / Yesterday evening
Danes zjutraj / This morning
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Lakota je že prignala male pernate prijatelje. Ker so v trenutku pojedli vse, kar smo jim ponudili, smo jim šli kupit veliko škatlo semen. To bi moralo zadostovati vsaj za pol zime.
Our little fluttery friends came to feast. But it was all gone in an hour, so we had to purchase some more. A whole box, ectually. That should be enough for at least half a winter.
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In snežno idilo in čarovnijo prvega snega smo šli uživat v park.
We went to park to enjoy the magic of first snow.
Zima je tu!
Winter is here!
Ja prvi sneg je res čudovit :-))