Trenutek za dihanje / A moment to breathe
Ste se kdaj ustavili sredi poti in se ozrli okoli?
Ste dvignili glavo, zaprli oči ter globoko zajeli zrak?
Kar tako, iz čistega užitka.
Ste obstali v tem položaju nekaj trenutkov?
Ste začutili nežen dotik narave?
Čudovito je.
Moram si zapomniti, da je to obvezen del vsakega sprehoda.
Did you ever stop in the middle of the walk and look around?
Did you lift your head, close your eyes and inhale really deep?
Just because it's so wonderful.
Did you stay in that movement for few moments?
Did you feel the gentle touch of the Nature?
It's amazing!
I need to remember to do this on every walk.
Te majne mucke na devesih so prav čarobne, a ne?
sploh če sije sonce skozi kakšne veje... al pa da je res lep gozd, tak pospravljen, z mahom in lepimi drevesi... :)
and we have the same crazy beautiful exploding seeds here! i have some hanging on my nature stick decoration!
hugs to you, today, from all the way in minnesota.