Miška za miško / A mouse for my girls
Kot sem obljubila kakšnih sto let nazaj - navodilo za izdelavo miške.
As I promised ... almost hundred years ago -a mouse tutorial.
As I promised ... almost hundred years ago -a mouse tutorial.

From a soft velvet cut 2 x body and 2 x ears. From colourful cotton cut another pair of ears. The size of parts depends on how big mouse you want to make.

Make two pair of ears(velvet + cotton) and sew them together with nice size inside.

Sew buttons for eyes and nose than embroider whiskers and mouth. (Little hands can be so helpful :o)

Put both body parts together with the good size inside.

Spodaj pusti približno 8 cm odprtine.
Start sewing at the bottom. In the height of the eyes put in the ears with the colorful side on the eyes.
At the bottom leave 8 cm hole.

This is how your mouse should look when you stop sewing.

Turn the mouse around, put in the filling and sew the hole.
lp m.
have a happy weekend!
~Emily in Norway
actuallly I understand a bit, but it's great that you write in english too ;) great tutorial and the mouse is so cute! :)