Tista zadeva s trakom... / That thing with the ribbon...
... je torbica. No, en le ena, cel kup torbic. Sprva se mi je zdelo, da je ta šivalni projekt bolj primeren za deklice... zelo sem se motila. Tudi dečki so bili navdušeni nad njim in v poziranju z novimi torbicami prav nič ne zaostajajo za svojimi sošolkami :o)
... is a little bag. Well, not just one, a whole class of bags. First I thought that this is more a girl project, but it turned out to be very interesting for boys also. They love to pose in their new achivement as much as the girls :o)
Zadeva je zelo enostavna. Za eno trobico potrebujete kos filca v velikosti 18 x 38 cm. Razdelite na tretjine (približno).
Filc je dobro prej zlikati, če ne drugega izgleda na fotki lepše :o)
Zašijete dve tretjini po desnem in levem robu skupaj.
It's a really simple project. You need a piece of felt (18 x 38 cm). It is wise to iron the felt first. It looks much nicer on photo... :o) Fold it on thirds. Sew two thirds together on left and right edge.
Na zadnjo tretjino našijete gumbe. Pod gumbe lahko položite podložke iz filca (krogce, rožice...)
On third part sew some buttons. You can put pieces of felt (different shapes -circles, flowers...) under the buttons.
Na koncu prišijte še trak in torbica je gotova.
At the end sew a ribbon so your kid can carry a new bag on his/ her shoulders.

Veliko zabave vam želim!
Have fun!
... is a little bag. Well, not just one, a whole class of bags. First I thought that this is more a girl project, but it turned out to be very interesting for boys also. They love to pose in their new achivement as much as the girls :o)

Filc je dobro prej zlikati, če ne drugega izgleda na fotki lepše :o)
Zašijete dve tretjini po desnem in levem robu skupaj.
It's a really simple project. You need a piece of felt (18 x 38 cm). It is wise to iron the felt first. It looks much nicer on photo... :o) Fold it on thirds. Sew two thirds together on left and right edge.

On third part sew some buttons. You can put pieces of felt (different shapes -circles, flowers...) under the buttons.

At the end sew a ribbon so your kid can carry a new bag on his/ her shoulders.

Have fun!
LP m.
~Emily in Norway