Ne morem biti pri miru. / I can't sit still.

Danes sem imela govorilne ure. Med enim in drugim razgovorom s starši sem šivala trakove na nekaj izredno simpatičnega, kar vam bom pokazala jutri... in ko sem s tem končala, sem še malo križkala. Na križce pa me je spomnila ena od mamic, ki mi je povedala, da se je hčerka hotela naučiti te umetnosti. Pa sem jo tudi jaz potegnila iz globin spomina. Naučila me je mama pred... uf, dvajsetimi leti...
I had two hours for parent-teacher interviews this evening. I just got home actually. Between the interviews there was enough time for me to finish a lovely project I will show you tomorrow... and I did some cross-stitching (I didn't do it for ages) . My granny thought me twenty years ago... and I still know how.
LP Jasna
lp m.