Zadnji novembrski dan / The last day of November

Mali angelček pa ima svojo zgodbo. Moja mama mi pred vsakim potovanjem podari talisman, ki me varuje na poti. Tega angelčka mi je stisnila v pest na letališču, ko sem s puncama odhajala v Anglijo.
Before lunch I realised that it is first Advent Sunday. And we were without Advent wreath. No panic. On my dear husbands delight I brought a basket ful with natural material and in half an hour I put four candels on the table. I'm pleased with the resoult. It's simple and natural.
The Andel at the side has his own story. My grandmother has a really sweet habit. Before my every travel, she gives me a talisman for good luck. She gave me this angel on the airport when I was leaving to England.

After lunch Miss G and her granddad had fun in the garden. The snowman is a really handsome guy and he has a very interesting name Benis Lizika (Benis Lollipop). Lizika (Lollipop) is Miss G's favourite name.
I have no idea where she got it.

In the evening I tried to finish my Advent calendar. I was inspired by this lovely ideas.
i love the outdoor elements.
i love the mushroom pincushion.
i love the advent calendar.
i think you must be a very sweet mom, wife, friend and person in general.
best advent wishes to you!