Moji čarovnički / My little witches

Miss G in her new costume. I made it a little bigger so it shoud fit her at the beggining of spring (we have a big carneval then). But I think that I'll sew a new one then... something more springly (is that even a word?)

Miss N in a simple tunic in which she could crawl. A hat was on the floor the next second I put in on her head.

Tunika. Mislim, da bi jo lahko uporabila tudi za kakšnega viteza. Z zlatim ščitom in mečem, bi bil prav privlačen. / I think that this tunic would look great as a knith tunic as well. With an golden shield and sword would be just elegant.

My biggest sewing achievement. The basic pattern is from Ottobre design (of course). I had such fun making this dress.
Nujno vam moram povedati, da sem za obe oblekici in klobučka uporabila blago in dodatke, ki sem jih pred časom dobila od Hurrayic (no črn žamet je bil moj).
I must tell you that all babric (except the black velvet) came from Hurrayic a while ago. To make somethink from a giveaway gift was her wish and my promise. So here they are - a costumes for my girls.Thank you Hurrayic!!!
and you will like the skirt pattern - it is SO easy!
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