Hitro sporočilo / Just a quick note

Niti v sanjah se ne bi mislila, da je kaj takega mogoče... 86 objav... zato sem se odločila, da dodam še dve nagradi. Presenečenje... rada imam presenečenja, pa vi?

Žrebanje je tudi opravljeno. Po zaslugi tegale  linka je bilo vse veliko enostavneje. Z veseljem bi žrebanje opravila po dobri stari metodi - listki v košarici in to, ampak mi nekako časovno ni uspelo. Drugo leto zagotovo.

MOBILE dobi ABIGAIL.. Žal ni pustila kontakta, tako da bo morala ona kontaktirati mene, sicer bom izžrebala drugo ime.

PRESENEČENJE 1 odhaja čez lužo v Kalifornijo. V nabiralniku ga bo dobila KJ.

PRESENEČENJE 2 je gre v isto smer, le malo severneje. Razveselilo bo PEo iz Kanade.

Torej, nekako še vedno ostaja napeto, kajti Abigail ima čas do jutri, potem izžrebam novo številko. Ostanite z menoj...

Not even in my wildest dreams I wouldn't have thought that somethink like that is possible... 86 comments... uau. I am really happy that so many wonderful people have stopped by my little blog here...Thank you! I decided to give 2 additional giveaways... a surprise ... I love surprises.

Drawing is over and thanks to this link it was easy and quick. Although I like the oldfashion way - names in a basket, I haven't had time for that this year. It's allways next year, right?

OK, winners:

MOBILE goes to ABIGAIL, but she didn't leave me any contakt, so she'll have to contact me. As soon as possible. I'll wait till tomorow and than draw another name.

SURPRISE 1 is going oversea to California. It will be in KJ's letter box.

SURPRISE 2. is going the same direction ... well a little more to the north ... to Kanada. PEA will find it in her letter box.

Thank you all. And now I got tons of mails to answer. I'm really looking forward to that. I love this OHOW Event.
I'm so happy to find out about it in time. I usualy find thinks like that when it's too late.


Abigail didn't show up, so I had to choose a new winner.
... number 25
.... counting ... counting .... Beachys Cape Cod Cupboard.



Oseba Carole Burant sporoča …
I am so excited to have won one of your surprise giveaways:-) Thank you so very much!! Happy Valentine's Day:-) xo