Zajčica / Baby bunny

Hvala za predloge glede odejice. Upoštevala sem vse, kar v praksi pomeni, da sem na žepek napisala ime novorojenke, kateri je odejica namenjena. In ko sem naredila zadnji vozel, sem zaslišala drobno sopihanje. Obrnila sem se in v travi zagledala majhno zajčico. Ravno prav je bila velika, da bi lahko prebivala v žepu odejice. Strinjala se je z mojim predlogom in mi pustila, da sem jo dvignila v žepek. Sedaj čaka, da bo odšla k mali deklici in ji pripovedovala male ljubke pravljice.

Thank you for all your suggestions. I have considered them all and the resoult is that I have made a pocket with a name of a newborn girl, to whom the blanket is meant for.
I was just making the final stitch, when I heard a little voice. It was a baby bunny coming my way. She was the right size for the pocket. She is in there now, waiting to go to little girl. She is going to tell her little gentle stories.


Oseba Cape Cod Washashore sporoča …
A very beautiful blanket, and the colors are so pretty. The bunny and name on the pocket are a special touch!
Oseba Unknown sporoča …
I love the baby in the pocket! How very sweet! You really have a delightful blog!

Oseba dekca sporoča …
Kako fleten zajček!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Just wonderful! The bunny in the pocket with the girls name on it is such a lovely touch!!!