Darovi narave / Fruits of nature

Bezgov sirup je moja najljubša pijača. Z njim me vedno razvaja moja nona. Letos pa sem se morala kar sama lotiti dela. No, da ne bo pomote. Doma me čaka kar nekaj litrov sirupa. Ampak tukaj sem bolj na tesnem z njim.

3 l vode
3 kg sladkorja
40 cvetov
5 limone

V vodo stresemo sladkor in zavremo. Odstavimo in pustimo, da se malo ohladi. Medtem operemo, olupimo in narežemo limone. Čez čas damo bezgove cvetove in limone v sladko vodo. Pustimo stati 24 ur. Sirup odcedimo, nalijemo v steklenice in jih zaprte postavimo v klet.

Elder blossom syrup is my favourite drink. My grandma makes is for me every year. There are few litres of fresh syrup waiting for me back home. Thank you, Nona.
For the time of our stay in England I made it some myself. It turned out to be really good.

Try it.
3 l water
3 kg sugar
40 elder blossoms
5 lemons

Boil water the with sugar. Leave to cool for the time to wash, peel and cut lemons. Put blossoms and lemons into sweet water. Leave for 24 hours then filter and pour into bottles. Store in dry, cool place.


Oseba Cape Cod Washashore sporoča …
This sounds like a wonderful recipe! Thank you for sharing it! And a big thank you for the sweet note you left on my blog today! =)
Oseba Hila sporoča …
This looks so good - thanks for sharing!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
what a lovely old-fashioned recipe!!! Your photo is beautiful.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Ker je zelo dober, vas doma čaka vsak dan manj soka :).