Ljubo doma, kdor ga ima! / Home sweet home!
Prav imate, doma sem. Skoraj ne morem verjeti, da sem bila zjutraj še na Otoku, ob enih pa sem že sedela doma za mizo in uživala v kosilu, ki ga je pripravila nona. Gospodični sta bili ves čas potovanja krasni. Mlajša je zaspala ob vzletu in prespala cel polet, starejša pa je imela ogromno dela z opazovanjem oblakov, deklic na sosednjem sedežu in branjem knjig.
Doma nas je pričakalo toplo toplo sonce in gospodični sta cel dan uživali na vrtu. Oh kako sem pogrešala klepet z mami medtem ko se malčici zabavata v bazenčku. Poletje je še vedno tu!
Ko omenjam poletje, na spodnjem linku imate možnost dobiti simpatičen poletni pajacek.
Apple Orchard Overalls GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
You are right! I'm home! I can hardly belive, I was having breakfast in England and lunch at home. Flight was great and my girls were diligent. Miss N was sleeping and Miss G was reading or watching clouds. Well, being fastend was not her favourite part of the journey, but who could blame her.
At home we enjoyed sunshine in the garden. I was talking with my mum and girls had fun in the wee swimming poll. It was so lovely. It's good to be home.
Speaking of warm summer day. Follow the link and good luck...
Doma nas je pričakalo toplo toplo sonce in gospodični sta cel dan uživali na vrtu. Oh kako sem pogrešala klepet z mami medtem ko se malčici zabavata v bazenčku. Poletje je še vedno tu!
Ko omenjam poletje, na spodnjem linku imate možnost dobiti simpatičen poletni pajacek.
Apple Orchard Overalls GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
You are right! I'm home! I can hardly belive, I was having breakfast in England and lunch at home. Flight was great and my girls were diligent. Miss N was sleeping and Miss G was reading or watching clouds. Well, being fastend was not her favourite part of the journey, but who could blame her.
At home we enjoyed sunshine in the garden. I was talking with my mum and girls had fun in the wee swimming poll. It was so lovely. It's good to be home.
Speaking of warm summer day. Follow the link and good luck...
Lp iz Kamnika, Mojca
I received my sweet little bird while you were away. I have him hanging in our kitchen to greet us every day...I love the card too!
Enjoy the warm days with your girls...they grow so fast!