Naše počitnice / Our holidays
Pozdravljeni vsi! Kako ste se imeli? Upam, da tako lepo kot mi. Zamenjava hiše se je izkazala za enkraten način preživljanja počitnic. Toplo priporočam. Sicer je bilo precej nenavadno stopiti v tujo hišo in se prosto sprehajati po njej, a kmalu smo se počutili prav prijetno. Pohištvo, okraski, slike, otroški izdelki, fotografije, knjige... vse je bilo tako simpatično domače in začutili smo, da je družina, ki živi tukaj podobna nam.
Hello everybody! How are you?
I have had a wonderful time with my familiy and my parents. House swap was great and I highly recommend it. It's a great way of spending your holidays. Well, it was a little weird to step into a strange house, walk around it, but soon we all relaxed. Furniture, decorations, photos, pictures, books, kids craft... everything was so familiar and we got this filling that a family that lives there is so like us.
Gospodični sta se radi igrali na vrtu, kjer je bilo veliko ljubkih skrivnih kotičnkov. Posebej zanimi sta bili kopenski želvi... no zanimivi dokler se nista izkazali za izredno teritorialni živalci. Vas je že kdaj ugriznila želva? Ne? Boli ne preveč, je pa zato presenečenje toliko večje :o)
Misses love playing in the garden. There was a lot of hidden places and besides that a pair of tortoises came to check on us. They turned out to be a real territorial animals. Have you ever been biten by a tortoise? It was quite a big surprise, I tell you :o)
Vsak drugi dan sta nas pred vrati pričakali dve steklenici mleka.
Every secound day two bottles of milk waited on our doorsteep.
Gospodična G je praznovala tretji rojstni dan. Deda ji je spekel odlično čokoladno torto.
Miss G celebrated her 3rd birthday. Granddad made her the best chocholade cake.
Dva dni kasneje je praznovala moja mami. Naredila sem ji zvezek za pisanje idej za pravljice.
Two days later was my mums birthday. I made her a lovely note for writing ideas for children stories. I'm really pleased how it turned out. Felt and white thread.
V muzeju v Dorchesterju so imeli začasno razstavo Bolečine in radosti otroštvo skozi zgodovino. Tale vitrina mi je bila še posebej všeč. Voziček je čudovit in oblekice, ki kukako ven iz predala so tako čudovito izvezene.
Dorchester museum holds a temporary exhibition about Childhood through centuries. I especialy love this glass case. I love this little pushchair and those dresses in a drawer are so lovely embroidered.

Ta dva obraza sta prav tako iz muzeja. Ničesar pametnega vam nimam povedati o njima, razen, da sta mi bila všeč :o)
These two faces are also from the museum. I have nothing smart to tell you about them, but I like them.
Veliko smo se vozili tudi po bližnjih in daljnih mestih ter vaseh. V vsaki so bila kakšna vrata, ki so pritegnila našp pozornost. Srce iz šib čudovito obogati masivna bela vrata, se vam ne zdi.
We did a lot of trips into towns and vilages around Dorchester. In each was a house that grabed our attention. A heart made of rods makes heavy white door so lovely, don't you think?
Prebivalci te hiše pa obožujejo zelenje. čeprav nimajo pred hišo praktično nič prostora, so postavili kup lončnic in hiša je oživela.
Residents from this house love flowers.
Bath je poln poslikanih pujsov. Gospodična G je želela pobožati ali zajahati vsakega ozmed njih.
Bath is full of pigs. Miss G wanted to touch and ride every single one of them.
Plaže so polne prečudovitih kamnov. Ure in ure bi lahko hodila in jih nabirala.
Beaches are ful of amazing stones. I could walk for hours and collect them.
Risbica gospodične G.
Miss G's drawing.
V tej ljubki hišici kriti s slamnato streho se je rodil enkraten angleški pisatelj Thomas Hardy. Moja starša sta navdušena nad njim in sta v Anglijo prišla vsak s svojo njegovo knjigo.
A great English writer Thomas Hardywas born in this lovely cottage. My parents were both reading his books when they were here.
Bolj kot hiška je bil gospodični G všeč vrt in njeni prebivalci.
Miss G enjoyed the garden and its little inhabitants more than the cottage.
Gospodični N pa se je vse skupaj zdelo čisto preveč naporno in je zaspala.
Miss N, however, found it all to tiering.
Žiga mi je sicer svetoval, da objavo skrajšam in jo razdelim na več delov, ampak meni je takole bolj všeč. Tako ali tako vas čaka še poročilo s kampiranja v južnem Walesu, ki smo si ga privoščili po odhodu iz Dorchestra, pa kup najdb v dobrodelnih tgvoinah, ki bi vam jih rada pokazala.
Žiga suggested to cut this post, but I like it just the way it is. I have so many things to show you. A lot to catch up.
Hello everybody! How are you?
I have had a wonderful time with my familiy and my parents. House swap was great and I highly recommend it. It's a great way of spending your holidays. Well, it was a little weird to step into a strange house, walk around it, but soon we all relaxed. Furniture, decorations, photos, pictures, books, kids craft... everything was so familiar and we got this filling that a family that lives there is so like us.

Misses love playing in the garden. There was a lot of hidden places and besides that a pair of tortoises came to check on us. They turned out to be a real territorial animals. Have you ever been biten by a tortoise? It was quite a big surprise, I tell you :o)

Every secound day two bottles of milk waited on our doorsteep.

Miss G celebrated her 3rd birthday. Granddad made her the best chocholade cake.

Two days later was my mums birthday. I made her a lovely note for writing ideas for children stories. I'm really pleased how it turned out. Felt and white thread.

Dorchester museum holds a temporary exhibition about Childhood through centuries. I especialy love this glass case. I love this little pushchair and those dresses in a drawer are so lovely embroidered.

These two faces are also from the museum. I have nothing smart to tell you about them, but I like them.

We did a lot of trips into towns and vilages around Dorchester. In each was a house that grabed our attention. A heart made of rods makes heavy white door so lovely, don't you think?

Residents from this house love flowers.

Bath is full of pigs. Miss G wanted to touch and ride every single one of them.

Beaches are ful of amazing stones. I could walk for hours and collect them.

Miss G's drawing.

A great English writer Thomas Hardywas born in this lovely cottage. My parents were both reading his books when they were here.

Miss G enjoyed the garden and its little inhabitants more than the cottage.

Miss N, however, found it all to tiering.

Žiga suggested to cut this post, but I like it just the way it is. I have so many things to show you. A lot to catch up.
Poljubček vsem, J
Thank you so very much ~ Anja!! The note that you wrote me was so special too.
There is another Giveaway over at Cinnamon Sticks Boutique for a Beautiful Necklace ~ hop on over if you get a chance.....
Thanks again for the lovely gifts ~ I'm so thrilled with them. They make me smile when I see them because they remind me of you and your kindness!!
Bunny Hugs ~
What a lovely pictures you've made.
I really like the present for your mum!
LP m.
Lp od Anžeja, Mojce in Žiga!