Ko zašumijo drevesa / When leaves start rustling
Nekaj dni nazaj smo bili v parku in iskali jesen. Drevesa so nam šumela, da se sprehaja po stezicah. Nismo je našli, a dokazov, da je bila tisti dan res tam je bilo povsod veliko. Domov smo se vrnili s polno košarico želodov, divjega kostanja, vej in lešnikov. Gospodična G je postala prava zbirateljica. Najbolj zabavno pa je, da za vsako reč pravi, da jo potrebuje za ustvarjanje :o)
A few days ago, we went to the park. The trees were singing that autumn has arrived. We were trying to find her, but she was too shy to show up. But there was a lot of evidence that she was there and we got home with a basket ful of acorns, horse chestnuts, brances and hazel nuts. Miss G is a great collector. "We need this for crafting."
Danes, na prvi jesenski dan, smo postavili jesensko okrasje. Gospodična G je uživala ob razporejanju vseh najdenih reči in kmalu se je začela na omari, kamor smo vse postavili, odvijati prava jesenska predstava. Poleg sadežev iz narave, smo na omaro postavili tudi knjige z jesensko tematiko.
Today, od a first day of autumn, we set our nature table. I love this idea. Miss G was so enthusiastic arranging everything. We also put some books with autumn theme on the table.
A few days ago, we went to the park. The trees were singing that autumn has arrived. We were trying to find her, but she was too shy to show up. But there was a lot of evidence that she was there and we got home with a basket ful of acorns, horse chestnuts, brances and hazel nuts. Miss G is a great collector. "We need this for crafting."
Danes, na prvi jesenski dan, smo postavili jesensko okrasje. Gospodična G je uživala ob razporejanju vseh najdenih reči in kmalu se je začela na omari, kamor smo vse postavili, odvijati prava jesenska predstava. Poleg sadežev iz narave, smo na omaro postavili tudi knjige z jesensko tematiko.
Today, od a first day of autumn, we set our nature table. I love this idea. Miss G was so enthusiastic arranging everything. We also put some books with autumn theme on the table.