Trgatev / The grape harvest
Prebudli smo se v tipično jesensko jutro. Hladno in megleno. Rada imam jutranji hlad. meglice nad poljem. Stopila sem na balkon in vdihnila nov dan. V zraku je bila obljuba sonca.
Nismo ga čakali, da najde nas, kar sami smo ga odšli iskat. Našli smo ga pri Rožmarinki. Toplo je siajlo in vabilo v vinograd od koder so že prihajali veseli glasovi trgačev.
It was a typical autumn morning with haze and cool, fresh air. I love morning freshness so I step into the balcony and breathe in deep. There was a promise of sun in the air. We didn't wait for it to come out of the fog, but went towards it to the Rosemary house.
We spent a beautiful day amoung vineyards, autumn leaves and smiling faces.
Gospodična G je nabirala grozdje v svoj 'štrnak'. / Miss G was gathering grape into her little bucket.
Nismo ga čakali, da najde nas, kar sami smo ga odšli iskat. Našli smo ga pri Rožmarinki. Toplo je siajlo in vabilo v vinograd od koder so že prihajali veseli glasovi trgačev.
It was a typical autumn morning with haze and cool, fresh air. I love morning freshness so I step into the balcony and breathe in deep. There was a promise of sun in the air. We didn't wait for it to come out of the fog, but went towards it to the Rosemary house.
We spent a beautiful day amoung vineyards, autumn leaves and smiling faces.
lp mami