Najden fotoaparat / My camera is back

A niso moji novi nosilci za police lepi. Tako vesela sem bila, ko sem jih zagledala v trgovini. Iskala sem take, na katere bi lahko še kaj obesila in teli so idealni za kaj takega.
Aren't my new shelves holders lovely. I was looking for some that I could hang something from it and those are perfect.

Spretne roke mojega moža... ali pa roke mojega spretnega moža.
Handy hands... or hands of my handy man.

Nekatere drobnarije bom srečevala med brskanjem po volni ali blagu še kar nekaj časa.
I guess I'll find some of those small parts between yarn and fabric.

Barvanje. / Painting.

Pomerjanje babičinega klobuka / Putting on granny's straw hat.


Oseba Donna Gotlib sporoča …
This looks like fun! What are you up to?
Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
Anja ~

Glad you found your camera!! Would LOVE to see pics of your Studio when it's finished!! Are you going to start selling your designs? Please say ~ YES!! :)

I just posted ANOTHER Giveaway on my Blog for some Scary Jewelry!! Please hop on over and enter it ~ when you get a chance. Thanks for posting about the Spider Web Tote Giveaway.

Bunny Hugs ~

Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Se mi je zdelo, da klobuk nima več krajca v enem delu.
Tudi klobuki imajo omejen rok trajanja. Trajajo do prvega vnuka...
lp mami