Petkova misel / Thoughtful friday

Likate pižame? Jaz jih ne. Zdi se mi nesmiselno, saj se zlikana pižama ponoči pomečka, nezlikana pa poravna - zjutraj sta obe v zelo podobnem, stanju, se vam ne zdi? Ampak moja mami jih vztrajno lika. Ob vprašanju zakaj, mi je postregla z zgornjo mislijo.
Lepe sanje vam želim...

Do you iron pyjamss? I think, they look the same in the morning, ironed one and nonironed one, don't you think? However, my mum irons them and when I asked her why, she gave me a sweet answer (above).
Sweet dreams...


Oseba Red Hen (dette) sporoča …
Thank you for visiting my blog. I don't iron pj's either (my mother does!) I agree with you they look the same regardless! At least she is not as bad as my godmother who irons sheets and underwear! I think she has too little to do!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
No, I defenitely do not iron pjs. The thought of it made me laugh! I love to iron my fabrics but not clothing. Isn't that silly?
Oseba Donna Gotlib sporoča …
Oh, your Mother is such a dear. That is just the most beautiful reason in the world to iron one's pj's!

When I was a little girl we wore starched cotton panties...hmmmm I wonder?
Oseba Lisa [strickerin] sporoča …
What a fantastic thought, though anyone I meet in my dreams will just have to take me as is.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
V sanje najraje vstopajo vile in princeske in prav vse, od prve do zadnje, imajo zlikane krinoline. Oh, kako bi se neprijetno počutila v njihovi družbi - v pomečkani pižami.
lp mami