Šivanje v šoli / Sewing at school

V šoli so se že začeli pripravljati na decembrski sejem. Otvoritev delavnic smo imeli v mojem razredu s šivanjem lutk - medvedkov. Otroci so cel teden prinašali gumbe in me spraševali "Kdaj, o kdaj bomo šivali?" In petek je krasen dan za šivanje, kaj ne? Glava je utrujena, roke pa nemirne. Ha, dobro sem jih zaposlila. Z končnimi izdelki so bili otroci izredno zadovoljni. Na marsikaterem obrazu sem lahko prebrala presenečenje, da jim je uspelo. Seveda jim je, ob taki mentorici, ha ha.

It's that time of year again. Few weeks before December is a busy time in school. We are getting ready for a lovely Christmas fair taht took place in the first week of December. We need to make a lot of kidsmade products. In my class we star with sweet puppet teddy's. Kids were bringing buttons for the whole week and they were really impatient - they wanted to sew. Oh, music for my ears :o) And Friday is a good sewing day, don't you think? A head is tired and hand are restless. Ha, I gave them work and boy, they were busy! It was so great to see them sewing and I just can't tell you how pleased they were when they finnished. "This was the best art class ever," they said. It really was. And we are going to have some more soon.


Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Življenje, ki ga imamo, je sijajna reč.

E. Dickinson

lp m.
Oseba Maja sporoča …
Zelo ste pridni na vaši šoli. Pri nas se šele pogovarjamo o materialu... Bi bila zelo vesela povabila na ta sejem, če je kje približno v moji bližini!
Oseba Sonja sporoča …
Super medvedki in čudovita zaposlitev otrok v petek. Verjamem, da so bili navdušeni :)
Oseba Amy sporoča …
I am loving the bears that have two different buttons for eyes! Cute!
Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
these are so cute! and what a fun early sewing project. i just may have to try this with my little girl. what a great idea!
Oseba Bunny Chic Boutique sporoča …
LOVE the Bears and you can tell the students really worked hard on them. Wish they had sewing in my Girls' School.

Bunny Hugs ~
