Srečka / Lucky me!
Ne tista loterijska... jaz sem kar poosebljena srečka. V zadnjem mesecu je bil moj komentar na nekaterih blogih zmagovalen in sem si prislužila nekaj krasnih darilc.
Ob odpiranju sem imela prav poseben občutek. Odpirala sem zavoje, v katere je z ljubeznijo zavil darilo. Nekdo, ki živi nekaj kilometrov stran ali na drugi strani sveta. Meni je namenil svoj čas. svojo energijo, svojo misel. Ali ni to krasen občutek?
Yes, it is true. I was a lucky winner at three giveaways. Yay!!! When I was opening the parcels I had a really special felling. Someone put her love, her energy, her thoughts into those parcels and sent it all to me. Isn't it great? I'm so happy to be here, to have this little blogworld where I'm meeting you, my dear friends. I feel so blessed.
Najprej me je poštar razveselil s paketkom polnim odtisom ljubkih deklic Sarah Kay, okrasnih trakov in reliefnih listov. Poslala mi jih je BojaMoja. Obiščite njen blog in si napasite oči na njehih stvaritvah.
Hvala, BojaMoja, komaj čakam, da naredim nekaj voščilnic. Prazniki so pred vrati :o)
First parcel was full of lovely Sarah Kay stamp prints. BojaMoja also sent me few ribbons. I can't wait to make some cards!
Amy mi je poslal kompletek dveh čudovitih sponk za lase. Pozirati je hotela le gospodična N, a gospodična G ima prav tako. Rdečo z motivom divjih rož. Nujno si obiščite njeno trgovinico. Ima polno novoletnih motivov!
I'm sure you recognize this cute hair clip. Yes, you are right. It's from Amy. Make sure to visit her shop. It's ful of beautiful holiday hair clips and more.
Poleg sponk pa je poslala še ti dve čestitki. Hvala Amy!!! Krasni sta!
Amy also sent me those lovely owl cards. There is something about owls, right. Thank you Amy, I love everything you have sent me!
In nazadnje je prispel zavoj z blagom Elizabeth mi je poslala dva kosa mehkega bombaža. Hmmm, toliko možnosti, kaj narediti...
And few days ago, I got those soft cute cotton fabrics from Elizabeth. I love it!!! Thank you, Elizabeth.
Ob odpiranju sem imela prav poseben občutek. Odpirala sem zavoje, v katere je z ljubeznijo zavil darilo. Nekdo, ki živi nekaj kilometrov stran ali na drugi strani sveta. Meni je namenil svoj čas. svojo energijo, svojo misel. Ali ni to krasen občutek?
Yes, it is true. I was a lucky winner at three giveaways. Yay!!! When I was opening the parcels I had a really special felling. Someone put her love, her energy, her thoughts into those parcels and sent it all to me. Isn't it great? I'm so happy to be here, to have this little blogworld where I'm meeting you, my dear friends. I feel so blessed.

Hvala, BojaMoja, komaj čakam, da naredim nekaj voščilnic. Prazniki so pred vrati :o)
First parcel was full of lovely Sarah Kay stamp prints. BojaMoja also sent me few ribbons. I can't wait to make some cards!

I'm sure you recognize this cute hair clip. Yes, you are right. It's from Amy. Make sure to visit her shop. It's ful of beautiful holiday hair clips and more.

Amy also sent me those lovely owl cards. There is something about owls, right. Thank you Amy, I love everything you have sent me!

And few days ago, I got those soft cute cotton fabrics from Elizabeth. I love it!!! Thank you, Elizabeth.
Zdaja pa hitro ustvarjat, da bomo lahko kmalu videli izdelke iz teh krasnih daril. :D
lp m.
it will be fun to see what you use the fabric for!