Podaj naprej / Pay it forward
Malo se ogrejmo pred prihajajočim mesecem obdarovanj.
Pravila igre:
* Prvim trem, ki boste pustili komentar na to objavo bom poslala doma narejeno darilo v roku pol leta.
* Poslala bom kamorkoli na Zemlji :o)
* Vaša naloga je, da storite enako na svojem blogu - objavite igro Podaj naprej
Torej, če ste za, pustite komentar s povezavo na vaš blog.
I was lucky enough to be the second person to comment on Kristen's blog for her Pay it Forward. I love participating in such sweet 'games'. I love meeting new people. Besides this is a wonderful way to pass on a little joy to three other people.
Here are the rules:
* I will send the first 3 people to comment on this entry a handmade gift within the next 6 months.
* I will happily post to anywhere in the world.
* The only requirement for you is that you must have a blog and be willing to do the same.
So, if you’re interested, willing and would like to recive a gift from me, all you have to do is leave me a comment with a link to your blog. Simple!
pa še moj blog: sonja68.blogspot.com
zadeva je res plemenita in se jo grem tudi jaz. Ne glede na to, da nisem med prvimi tretjimi - bom jaz obdarovala.
Bodi lepo