Krog življenja / Circle of life

Čivkec je poginil. Njegov padec z gnezda je bil očitno le pretrd. Presenečena pa sem, da je potemtakem sploh toliko časa živel in imel tak apetit. Razen zlomljene noge se ni videlo nič sumljivega.
Gospodična G je bila čisto pretresena in gospodična N je še cel dan hodila okrog s cunjo (s katero je bil pokrit, da je imel temno) in ga klicala tiči, tiči.

Our little birdy is dead. His fall from the nest was just to hard, I guess. All I could see was a broken leg.
Miss G was really sad. You could see it in her eyes. She was there, watching him die. My husband hold him in his hand. It was heartbreaking moment.
Miss N was calling his name every time she saw his basket.

Sedaj si bom vzela malo odmora. Ogromno reči moram narediti in resda mi pisanje objav ne vzame tako zelo veliko časa, mi ga vseeno vzame preveč. Verjetno ne bom prav dolgo zdržala, ampak do konca tedna pa se tukaj zagotovo ne bo nič dogajalo. Bodite lepo.

I'm taking a break now. There is just too many things I need to do and so little time. I know that I'll have a hard time not blogging but I need to focus on some other things. Just for a while. Have a great time and see you soon.


Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
how sad for your girls that the baby bird died.

i hope that you have a good break and get caught up on lots of things!

i finally posted my "on today's date" for May.

hugs to you!
Oseba Maja sporoča …
Žal mi je za Čivka, pa v tako dober dom je prišel!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Hojla! Ubogi čivči. No, pa je bil le obdan z ljubeznijo tudi ob svojih zadnjih zdihljajčkih. Hvala za povabilo na češnje, datum je že pocahnan na koledarju:)
LP Jasna
Oseba Rumour has it sporoča …
Hello Anja,
such a sad event! We too have some birds nesting in one of our trees, but for the moment there are no little birds.
I´m a bit stupid: some time ago you sent me your address and then I recently deleted some e-mails to clean up my mailbox. Unfortunately I didn´t write down your address and today I´m going to post something for you... as I promissed! :D
Could you please once again send me your information to
Thank you. I wish you all the best and courage in all you have to do!
Many greetings, Marjolijn
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
NI kaj, še tako majhen ptiček, pa toliko veselja, ko se oglaša in toliko žalosti, ko gre.
lp m.
Oseba Bec sporoča …
Hi Anja, such a sad post, but I was popping in to give you some happy news. You are one of the winners of the BrisStyle blog giveaway. You can check out the post at and if you could get in touch via email at then we can organise to have your prizes sent to you. I hope you are all feeling ok now after this sad event, and I hope your prizes can bring some smiles your way :)
Kind regards,
(BrisStyle Blog Editor)
On Behalf of the BrisStyle Committee