Nagrada / Award

Nadvse prijazna Valežanka Ann mi je podelila tole srčkano nagrado. 

The friendly Ann has given me this cute and yummy award. Isn't it pinky-cute :o)


The rules for receiving this award are:

1. Thank the person that passed it to you - thank you so much Ann - your friendly comments are like sunrays in my blog.

2. Copy award to your blog - done that.

3. List three things you love about yourself -
- I'm inventive and manage to adapt quite well to most circumstances
- I belive in magic world
- I make something new from used things

4. Post a picture that you love to your blog - Well, I love pictures with my girls in action - exploring, drawing, reading, playing, running... Aren't they lovely on this picture? So curious. So engrossed in bug-hunt.

 Peto pravilo bom priredila po svoje. Nagrado tako podeljujem vsem, ki sem vam kdajkoli napisala komentar. Prav vse imate češnjico na vrhu in to lahko poveste tudi drugim :o)

I'll adapt the 5th rule to my taste. I'm giving this award to everybody I have ever left a comment on their blog. You all have a cherry on top and you can tell that to everyone :o)


Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
Na tvojem blogu so mi najslajše fotografije tvojih vilink ... in hvala za čudovito presenečenje zame, ki omano diši po kruhu :o)))

Rada pohajam po tem tvojem kotičku Drobtinic ... HVALA ti zanje ...

Objem ...
Oseba Andreja sporoča …
Zasluženo, saj je tvoj blog dobesedno pol prijetnih "drobtinic", ki božajo dušo :-))
Oseba Ann sporoča …
Your lovely blog surely deserves this award Anja! And your little girls' photo is just enchanting!