Dan 3 / Day 3

Po dveh deževno snežnih dneh nas je danes obsijalo sonce. Krasno je bilo. Z gospodičnama smo takoj po kosilu odpravile na sprehod. Zavite smo bile kot trije medvedki. Opazovale smo vrane na polju in siničke v grmovju, nabirale storže in polžje hišice, s šibami lovile ribe v lužah in božale kužke, ki so šli mimo nas.

After two gloomy days we had a lot of sun today. It was great. We went outside, leaving the dishes from lunch on the table. We were like three bears all wrapped up in hats, shawls and gloves. We were watching the crows and titmice, collecting cones and snail houses, fishing in puddles and stroking dogs that went by.

Dokler je sijalo sonce je bilo prav prijetno, a čim je zašlo, so se noge kar same obrnile proti domu.
As long as the sun was out it was lovely, but soon after it set, it become really cold and out feet turn back home all by themself.
Storže bom posušila in čez nekaj dni bova z gospodično G iz njih izdelovali palčke.
I'm going to dry up the cones and in few days Miss G and I will make gnomes out of them.


Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
sounds like a lovely day!

your little girls are so pretty!

and i'm glad that i'm not the only mom who leaves dishes on the table when it is time to have some fun!
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
In ko so trije medvedi prišli domov, so opazili, da je pridna babica skuhala kosilo.