Megleni ponedeljek / Foggy Monday

Nisem pretiran ljubitelj ponedeljkov. Še posebej ponedeljkovih juter. In če ob pogledu skozi okno ugotovim, da smo potopljeni v morju megle, se mi prav nič ne ljubi vstati. Brrr. Ampak poležavanje na delovni dan je nekaj, na kar bom morala za nekaj časa pozabiti - tja do novoletnih počitnic.

Mondays are not my favorite days at all. Specialy mornings. Foggy Monday morning is something I would prefer to sleep over in bed. But long mornings in bed are something I need to forget about - until Christmas holidays at least.
Smo bili pa v razredu zopet pridni. Prejšnji teden smo pridno nabirali storže in jih sušili na polici. danes smo iz njih ter plastelina izdelovali figurice.

We were busy in class. We were collecting cones last week and today we made some lovely figures.
This project is really simple and appropriate for kids of all ages. All you need are some cones and play dough. Make sure that you put enough play dough behind cone scales so all parts will hold. Have fun!

Možiček v nastajanju. / Work in progress. Little cone-man.

Medvedek Pu. / Winnie the Pooh.

Meni najljubši izdelek - lisička. / My favorite - the Fox.


Oseba Elizabeth sporoča …
oh! the fox is very wonderful!

and "winnie the pooh" - just a wee bit of english help for you. *smile*
Oseba Anja sporoča …
Thank you, Elizabeth. Sometimes I'm just too lazy to check the spelling or I'm in the hurry ... and I know I make tons of mistakes... oh well, never mind :o)
So, Winnie the Pooh it is.
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
Takoj jutri bom to idejo izpeljala še v svojem razredu.
lp m.
Oseba edward and lilly sporoča …
The fox is so cute, what a great crafting project!