Zadnji novembrski dan / The last day of November
Pred kosilom sem se zavedla, da je v bistvu prva adventna nedelja, kar pomeni, da je potrebno na mizo postaviti venček in prižgati prvo svečko. V dnevno sobo sem na Žigovo veliko veselje prinesla košaro materiala ter začela rezati in lepiti. Nastalo je to, kar vidite zgoraj.
Mali angelček pa ima svojo zgodbo. Moja mama mi pred vsakim potovanjem podari talisman, ki me varuje na poti. Tega angelčka mi je stisnila v pest na letališču, ko sem s puncama odhajala v Anglijo.
Before lunch I realised that it is first Advent Sunday. And we were without Advent wreath. No panic. On my dear husbands delight I brought a basket ful with natural material and in half an hour I put four candels on the table. I'm pleased with the resoult. It's simple and natural.
The Andel at the side has his own story. My grandmother has a really sweet habit. Before my every travel, she gives me a talisman for good luck. She gave me this angel on the airport when I was leaving to England.
Po kosilu sta se gospodična G in deda odlično zabavala zunaj na vrtu. Snežko je pravi lepotec in ima prav posebno ime Benis Lizika. Lizika je izredno priljubljeno ime pri naši hiši.
After lunch Miss G and her granddad had fun in the garden. The snowman is a really handsome guy and he has a very interesting name Benis Lizika (Benis Lollipop). Lizika (Lollipop) is Miss G's favourite name.
I have no idea where she got it.
V tihih večernih urah (na žalost le od osmih do desetih,ker gospodična N zaradi zamašenega nosu ne more spati) sem poskušala dokončati moj najnovejši projekt. Adventni koledar.
In the evening I tried to finish my Advent calendar. I was inspired by this lovely ideas.
Mali angelček pa ima svojo zgodbo. Moja mama mi pred vsakim potovanjem podari talisman, ki me varuje na poti. Tega angelčka mi je stisnila v pest na letališču, ko sem s puncama odhajala v Anglijo.
Before lunch I realised that it is first Advent Sunday. And we were without Advent wreath. No panic. On my dear husbands delight I brought a basket ful with natural material and in half an hour I put four candels on the table. I'm pleased with the resoult. It's simple and natural.
The Andel at the side has his own story. My grandmother has a really sweet habit. Before my every travel, she gives me a talisman for good luck. She gave me this angel on the airport when I was leaving to England.
Po kosilu sta se gospodična G in deda odlično zabavala zunaj na vrtu. Snežko je pravi lepotec in ima prav posebno ime Benis Lizika. Lizika je izredno priljubljeno ime pri naši hiši.
After lunch Miss G and her granddad had fun in the garden. The snowman is a really handsome guy and he has a very interesting name Benis Lizika (Benis Lollipop). Lizika (Lollipop) is Miss G's favourite name.
I have no idea where she got it.
V tihih večernih urah (na žalost le od osmih do desetih,ker gospodična N zaradi zamašenega nosu ne more spati) sem poskušala dokončati moj najnovejši projekt. Adventni koledar.
In the evening I tried to finish my Advent calendar. I was inspired by this lovely ideas.
i love the outdoor elements.
i love the mushroom pincushion.
i love the advent calendar.
i think you must be a very sweet mom, wife, friend and person in general.
best advent wishes to you!