Vile / Fairies
Veste, da na mestu, kjer plešejo zvečer vile, zrastejo gobice?
Točno te gobice smo odšle iskat danes.
Kajti včeraj zvečer je iz gozda prihajala vilinska glasba
in bile smo zelo radovedne, kje so stopale drobne vilinske nožice.
Did you know that on the same spot, where fairies dance in the evening, mushrooms grew in the morning?
We wenz searching for those mushrooms today.
Because we could hear the fairy music coming from the woods yesterday evening...
and we were so curious to see the evidences of their dancing.
Čisto tiho smo stopale po mehkih tleh....
We were walking very carefully...
Se prebijale skozi gozd praproti.
We went through the forest of giant ferns.
In potem našle...
And then we found...
... zaljubljena polža, nališpano gosenico, kačjega pastirja, modrega hroščka in ... vilinsko gobico.
... snails in love, a very fancy caterpillar, a dragonfly, a blue beetle and... a fairy mushroom.
Potem pa se zahvalim za super lep oranžen šal, ki je do mene prispel po pošti. Najlepša hvala!