Meduzasto krilce / Jellyfish skirt
No, maškarce so odplesale svoje pomladne plese. Moja (skorajda) udomačena šema je mijavkala po svetu cel dan in še kar noče zlesti v posteljo, čeprav se ji oči kar same zapirajo... V soboto nas čaka še en ples v maskah, ki se ga zeeeloooo veselim. potem bom lahko začela razmišljati o kostumih za drugo leto... morda pa bom dobila tole krilce in bo moje dela malo lažje... :o)
Blushing Buttercream Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
We had a carnival today. Miss G was in her cat princess costume whole day and she still refuses to go to bed... We'll have another costume day on Saturday (I wonder which dress will Miss G choose then) and I can hardly wait. It's been ages since I last saw my cousin.
After that day I'll starrt sewing for spring and summer. This dress from Grosgrain would be a lovely kick to do that. Maybe my comment will be the lucky one...
Blushing Buttercream Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
We had a carnival today. Miss G was in her cat princess costume whole day and she still refuses to go to bed... We'll have another costume day on Saturday (I wonder which dress will Miss G choose then) and I can hardly wait. It's been ages since I last saw my cousin.
After that day I'll starrt sewing for spring and summer. This dress from Grosgrain would be a lovely kick to do that. Maybe my comment will be the lucky one...