OWOH zmagovalci - winners

Danes smo prisplei na cilj. tam so nas čakali klobuki, košare in različne druge posode v katere smo vrgli vsak svoje lističe z imeni sodelujočih. Nekajkrat se je zabliskalo, malo zadišalo in vsak izmed nas je dobil zmagovalca. Ali dva ali več.
Moji zmagovalki sta: Snežinka in Angela
Wow, this sure was an amazing journey! A Gipsy Caravan - 911 happy and oh so talented artists. I'm so happy to be part of it. But we came to our destination. There was a lot of baskets, hats and other bowls. We all put our participants into them and there was some smoke some lovely smell and some laughter. Soon we all had our winner/s. Fun!!!
My winners are: Snežinka and Angela
Thank you all!!! See you next year for sure :o)