Ste z menoj? / Are you with me?
Padla sem v luknjo pozabe. Ali pa me je nekdo obdelal z urokom zmede (ja, prebrala sem knjigo Harry Potter). Ne vem kje je fotoaparat. Grrrr. Da se mi je to zgodilo... Torej, nobene nove slikce...
Sem pa ob tem pripetljaju prišla na dobro idejo.
I fell into a hole. Or better I'm totaly bewildered. I mean, how can anyone lose his camera. It's not that small. ... I really don't know where it could be... no new photos...
But I got an idea. it's a really good one. I have found a new meme:

Bi se igrali z menoj? Enkrat na mesec bom izbrala leto in takrat objavite kaj se vam je na tisti dan (ali teden) v izbranem letu zgodilo. Kaj sem počela na današnji dan... Če ste za, mi pustite komentar in dodala vas bom v seznam sodelujočih, ki se bo (upam) pojavil na desni strani.
Would you like to play with me? Once a month I'll choose a year and all you have to do is find a photo from that year, that month, that week (that day) and post it with a lovely memorie. Sound like fun? Leva me a comment and I'll put you on a blogroll (I hope there will be a blogroll).
And I need to ask you a favour : is the title This is where I was on todays day in... OK? I mean is it grammatically correct?
Sem pa ob tem pripetljaju prišla na dobro idejo.
Kaj sem počela na današnji dan...
leta 2004
Bila sem na smučanju v ljubkem mestecu Folgaria. Si predstavljate, da ima zlatarna v izložbi prave pritlikave zajčke? Postavljeno imajo leseno hišico. In v vsakem nadstropju ljubez pisan kamen, prstan ali ogrlico.leta 2004
I fell into a hole. Or better I'm totaly bewildered. I mean, how can anyone lose his camera. It's not that small. ... I really don't know where it could be... no new photos...
But I got an idea. it's a really good one. I have found a new meme:
This is where I was on todays day in...
... 2004
I was in Folgaria, Italy. Skiing and windowshoping. Oh, Folgaria is a really cute little town. Can you imagine that there is a goldsmith's shop with real dwarfish rabbits in a display? They are so cute in their wooden house and colorful stones around.

Bi se igrali z menoj? Enkrat na mesec bom izbrala leto in takrat objavite kaj se vam je na tisti dan (ali teden) v izbranem letu zgodilo. Kaj sem počela na današnji dan... Če ste za, mi pustite komentar in dodala vas bom v seznam sodelujočih, ki se bo (upam) pojavil na desni strani.
Would you like to play with me? Once a month I'll choose a year and all you have to do is find a photo from that year, that month, that week (that day) and post it with a lovely memorie. Sound like fun? Leva me a comment and I'll put you on a blogroll (I hope there will be a blogroll).
And I need to ask you a favour : is the title This is where I was on todays day in... OK? I mean is it grammatically correct?
I agree with Jeannine: substitute "today's date" for "todays day" and you're good!
Lp, Nataša.