Moj ustvarjalni kotiček / My Creative Space

Ustvarjalni kotiček sem si danes naredila na jedilni mizi. V njem ali pogosteje na njem sta me je obiskovali gospodična G, ki ima norice in gospodična N, ki rada pleza na vse dvignjene površine. Če je na njih lonček s tekočino pa še toliko bolje.
Škatlo, v kateri so iz Avstrije uvozili jabolka :o) sem oblepila z časopisnim papirjem. Ko se bo posušilo, bom škatlo še porisala in nato v njej hranila risbice. Zaenkrat jih imam v velikih mapah, ampak mi ta rešitev ni najbolj všeč.
I’m playing along with kootoyoo again this week with a photograph of my creative space.
I was working on the dining table this morning. Yesterday I took a big fruit box from our store and I pasted little pieces of newspaper all over it. I'll add colors later. I'll keep my girls' drawings in it.
Yes, my girls... Miss G has chickenpox. It is only a matter of time when Miss N will get them too. No playing with friends this weekend... week.

Your SMS gift arrived in the mail today to me! I wanted to let you know as soon as possible so that you didn't send me another gift. Thank you so much. It must have gotten lost somewhere on it's way. How funny that I just asked about it, and then it shows up in the same week. Thanks!!!
Kaj želiš, mala.
Da jo spet napolnite.