Čudovit dan in delovni kotiček / An inspiring day and my creative space
Morda niste vedeli, ampak včerajšnji dan je bil prečudovit. Kako je bilo v Ljubljanski kotlini ne vem, ampak v Vipavski dolini je bilo toplo in sončno. Tam doli je pomlad!!!! Sicer je pihala burja in to kakšnih 80 km/h, ampak pred našo Rožmarinko je bilo zavetje. (Včasih so znali graditi hiše.) Gospodični sta po dnevih megle, oblakov in dežja neskončno uživali.
Yesterday was a glorious day! We went to our little Rosemary Cottage. After school, I packed all the stuff needed (and unneeded), kiddos, mum and Nona and of we went. To the sun. The north wind was blowing (80km/h) but infront of the cottage, the air was warm and calm. It was beautiful. It's hard to imagine that only one hour drive from our home, everything is in bloom. It's Spring there!!!
Gospodična N je najprej pregledala vrt. / Miss N went to check what's new in the garden.
Gospodična G je z nono zgradila hišico za Kitty (pri nas je Kitty trenutna ta glavna). / Midd G and her Nana built a home for Kitty (Hello Kitty rules :o)
V hišici ni manjkala niti vazica svežega cvetja. / There was also a vase with fresh flowers in Kitty's home.
Kitty pri kosilu. Tako ljubko se mi je zdelo, da je za krožnik uporabila orehovo lupino. / Kitty at dinner. I find it so cute that she used a walnut for a plate.
Medtem ko sta se punci igrali, mami in nona nabirali radič in regrad, sem se jaz tiho potikala po vrtu in slikala.... zato da vam lahko zdajle delam skomine s fotkami... / The girls were having fun playing, my mum and her mum were picking dandelion and I... I was taking pictures around garden...

In kaj ima vse to opraviti z mojim današnjim ustvarjanjem? Nič in veliko. Včeraj sem se naužila sonca in energije, ki jo nujno potrebujem, da se prebijem čez napovedani dež.
And has that all to do with my creative space? A lot and nothing. I fill myself with sun and energy that I'll be needing to get alive through another rainy period.
In ker imam sedaj dovolj energije in sonca, lahko sedem za tole razmetano mizo in se lotim:
- prevajanja
- popravljanja spisov Cankarjevega tekmovanja
- pisanja prispevkov za nekaj otroških revij
- pisanja priprav za jutrišnji dan
Filled with sun and energy I am able to sit behind this messy desk and do some:
- translation
- correcting essays from today's school competition
- writing kids worksheets for tomorrow
Tole pa je zadevica, ki me še najbolj vleče. Kvačkanje nove torbe. / And this is something that I do to clear my mind between two tasks. Someday it will be a crochet bag.
More spaces at kootoyoo.
Yesterday was a glorious day! We went to our little Rosemary Cottage. After school, I packed all the stuff needed (and unneeded), kiddos, mum and Nona and of we went. To the sun. The north wind was blowing (80km/h) but infront of the cottage, the air was warm and calm. It was beautiful. It's hard to imagine that only one hour drive from our home, everything is in bloom. It's Spring there!!!

And has that all to do with my creative space? A lot and nothing. I fill myself with sun and energy that I'll be needing to get alive through another rainy period.

- prevajanja
- popravljanja spisov Cankarjevega tekmovanja
- pisanja prispevkov za nekaj otroških revij
- pisanja priprav za jutrišnji dan
Filled with sun and energy I am able to sit behind this messy desk and do some:
- translation
- correcting essays from today's school competition
- writing kids worksheets for tomorrow

More spaces at kootoyoo.
and the apple basket.
and the little white flower.
i know what you mean about filling up with sunshine and feeling energized. i am like that. too many grey days in a row and i feel drained. i thrive on sunshine!
a niso tam naseljene vse najlepše sanje?
Ja, seveda, da so.
Upam, da jih ponoči palček raznese tudi vam.
LP m.