Živjo! / Hello!
Kje sta moji deklici?
Where are my girls?
Where are my girls?

Ooooo, here they are! And what's in the crate? Bunny?

Welcome cute furball. I think we'll keep you.
* * *
Zmotila sem se. Ni to moja dvestota objava. Tristota je. In ob tej številki se spodobi imeti malo obdaritev, kaj menite? Jaz sem za. Pustite komentar in vaše ime bo v gajbici... ne v košarici iz katere bo ena izmed mojih deklet izžrebala srečnega dobitnika ... česa? Hmmm. Dobro vprašanje. Veste kaj. Vi kar pustite komentar, medtem pa bom jaz razmišljala. Vsekakor bo nekaj zajčjega :o))) Vam in sebi dam en teden časa.
I was wrong,. This is not my 200th post... it's my 300th. Wow, that's a big number. How did this happen? It was fun for sure. Starting my own blog was one of the best thing I did on this computer.
What do you say about a giveaway? I think it is a good way to celebrate, don't you. Leave a comment on this post and your name will be in the crate... no, little basket. A happy winner will get... what? Good question. Let me think. You know what, leave comment and I'll do some more thinking. I give you and me one week, but I can tell this for sure: it's going to be something bunnish (is this a word?).
Čestitke za 300 objavo!!!
Jaz zelooooo leno sledim :)
Čestitam za tristoto objavo!
Pa čestitke za 300. objavo! Wow!
VSE DOBRO za pravznike ...
Čestitke zanjo in za 300 objav!
Lepe praznike.
Čestitke za 300 objav in še na n-krat toliko. :)
Naj G in N veliko uživata z njo in jo čuvata :)
Čestitke za 300 objavo!
Kaki puhek je ;)
Lp, Nataša.
Bodi lepo, Tanja
Rada berem tvoj blog.
I have been a bit overwhelmed with stuff at home - finally back on track. Sorry I haven't been visiting - I do love your blog.
The bunny is darling - have two of my own!!!! Sarah
lp m.