Na današnji dan / On today's date
Nedelja pred nami bo prva majska nedelja. OK, kam je šel april??? Je samo meni zbežal mimo ali ste ga tudi vi lovili naokoli?
Next Sunday is going to be the first Sunday in May. OK, where did April go??? Seriously, few sunny days and a little bit of rain and Aoril is over. Is it just me or is the same with you?
Če že ne moremo zavrteti časa nazaj (no ja, saj niti ne vem, če si to želim), lahko pokukamo v katero izmed preteklih let. Katerega predlagate? Vam prepuščam odločitev. Oziroma prvemu med vami, ki bo pustil komentar. Povejte, v katero leto bomo potovali?
Kasneje... Mojca je predlagala leto 1997. Tokrat bo res treba pobrskati po albumih in slikati sliko. Komaj čakam, da vidim kje smo bili in kaj smo delelai. Hvala Mojca.
We can't turn back time (I wouldn't even want it, to be honest), but we can go through the photo albums and see what was going on in the past. And we can play a little game and share our memories on the blog. So, which year would you choose to look at. I'll let you decide - first one to comment will choose the year. Can't wait to read your suggestion and go through the album.
Update... Mojca suggested year 1997. Thank you, Mojca. Now, we'll really have to go through our albums. Can't wait to see where were we in 1997.
Next Sunday is going to be the first Sunday in May. OK, where did April go??? Seriously, few sunny days and a little bit of rain and Aoril is over. Is it just me or is the same with you?

Kasneje... Mojca je predlagala leto 1997. Tokrat bo res treba pobrskati po albumih in slikati sliko. Komaj čakam, da vidim kje smo bili in kaj smo delelai. Hvala Mojca.
MAJ 1997
We can't turn back time (I wouldn't even want it, to be honest), but we can go through the photo albums and see what was going on in the past. And we can play a little game and share our memories on the blog. So, which year would you choose to look at. I'll let you decide - first one to comment will choose the year. Can't wait to read your suggestion and go through the album.
Update... Mojca suggested year 1997. Thank you, Mojca. Now, we'll really have to go through our albums. Can't wait to see where were we in 1997.
MAY 1997
Lahko noč, Mojca
Tale pogled v zgodovino me pa že nekaj časa mika ... se morda pridružim naslednji mesec ... tokrat ne morem brskat po albumih, ker so predaleč. :)
Pri Založbi Kmečki glas je te dni izšla moja knjiga Cvetkova gmajnica, s podnaslovom Čigav je ta svet. Gre za ekološko obarvane pravljice z nalogami, namenjene drugošolcem ali tretješolcem.
lp m.