Na naši okenski polici /
On our window sill.
Tole pišče je pa velikonočni veteran, ampak ej tako luštkan, da ga vsako leto zopet postavim na polico. /
This yellow chick is an Easter veteran, but it's so cute and sunny, that I need to put it on display.

Čebulne mojstrovine. /
Onion, flowers and eggs - perfect combination.
Nonina potica. /
Nana's nut roll.
Navadna mahonija - da rumeno zaokrožim tole objavo. /
Sorry, I don't know the English name of this bush, but it's yellow and tha's why a perfect end of this post. Update: it's Oregon Grape.
the eggs - so pretty.
the happy chick. :o)
the yummy nutroll.
we had a wonderful day, too!
i love easter.
Lp m.